From my point of view, you always have a "new template" in the works. Your "higher self" is really just you, in a relatively resistance free state of time/space. It is "you in the future". As your future projection, its function as your analog self is to hold the vibrational template for the new and improved furthest expansion of your self. In this way, it works as your guide, by offering an "ideal pattern" for you to entrain to.
So every time you come to a new conclusion or preference, it immediately rides that impulse to its probable conclusion, and adds that preference to the probable reality. It amends it every time you reach a new preference. Of itself, it is beyond desire, but it exists as a guiding point for the space/time analog. It lives that reality vibrationally, and acts almost like a "bookmark" for that point in space and time. It functions as a vibrational compass, and your emotions are your translation of proximity to its template reality. This is what is meant in the power of "following your bliss". The whole reason you perceive anything as "bliss", emotionally speaking, is because it is approaching the vibrational template that your higher self has adopted. The feeling of self joining self results in metaphysical joy, as you tune yourself to the frequency it is holding.
Where "letting go" fits into the mix is that it equals the surrender of your current white knuckle grip of focus on your current reality, and allows your focus to drift closer to what is wanted. As this focus is relaxed, you experience emotional release because you are focusing less contradictory energy relative to your desires. As the will is released, your focus will tend to naturally recoalesce towards the vibrational perspective of your higher self.
Another way to think of it is simply: the reality you desired was created the very moment you desired it, by your higher self. You just have to tune to the higher self which is just finding the same thoughts it has found relative to the desire, which you are naturally inclined to do because the thoughts "feel good" and make you happy. So really, all "conscious creation" is more a matter of "releasing resistance" rather than trying to "intend reality to morph".
If there were no resistance, the reality would automatically come about.
So every time you come to a new conclusion or preference, it immediately rides that impulse to its probable conclusion, and adds that preference to the probable reality. It amends it every time you reach a new preference. Of itself, it is beyond desire, but it exists as a guiding point for the space/time analog. It lives that reality vibrationally, and acts almost like a "bookmark" for that point in space and time. It functions as a vibrational compass, and your emotions are your translation of proximity to its template reality. This is what is meant in the power of "following your bliss". The whole reason you perceive anything as "bliss", emotionally speaking, is because it is approaching the vibrational template that your higher self has adopted. The feeling of self joining self results in metaphysical joy, as you tune yourself to the frequency it is holding.
Where "letting go" fits into the mix is that it equals the surrender of your current white knuckle grip of focus on your current reality, and allows your focus to drift closer to what is wanted. As this focus is relaxed, you experience emotional release because you are focusing less contradictory energy relative to your desires. As the will is released, your focus will tend to naturally recoalesce towards the vibrational perspective of your higher self.
Another way to think of it is simply: the reality you desired was created the very moment you desired it, by your higher self. You just have to tune to the higher self which is just finding the same thoughts it has found relative to the desire, which you are naturally inclined to do because the thoughts "feel good" and make you happy. So really, all "conscious creation" is more a matter of "releasing resistance" rather than trying to "intend reality to morph".
If there were no resistance, the reality would automatically come about.