(08-27-2015, 12:46 PM)Diana Wrote:(08-27-2015, 01:14 AM)Elros Tar-Minyatur Wrote: I try to explore what I am to find out what I want.
Aside from everything else that has been said here, I feel this is an important key to consciousness. In 3D physicality, because of the drive for physical survival encoded in our DNA and older parts of our brains, we come into this life as an animal basically doing what it has to to stay alive. Because we are humans and have larger brains and have individuated, our survival includes psychological aspects as well as physical. So we take on roles in whatever family unit we grow up in. Most people are never even aware of it. As adults then, we are unconsciously reacting in that role with its beliefs, until we strip away the roles we have taken on. There's nothing wrong with it really, if one is aware that they are experiencing all that is; but if one is unconsciously acting in a role, I think it is a shame that the individual's unique nature has not been realized.
A large part of my inner work has been to observe myself and discern what is a role and what is my core being. It takes dispassionate observation and questioning. And it isn't as simple as what triggers, but that is a good place to start. It's crazy how insidious familial, societal, and other (such as past lives) influences can be. I do think one mistake the new age community makes in general in this matter is to assume all imbalances come from other lives. I think this is an ego defense that can veer one away from looking at this mundane life. But in my opinion, that is where to start—in this life and the myriad influences which pressurized childhood. Clean up this backyard first. I'm not talking about psychotherapy, just observation so that the subconscious can be cleared of belief systems that don't serve because they were "taken on" for some survival reason (which can include things such as, what do I have to be or do to be loved).
It is common, I have observed, for those on spiritual paths to ignore the mundane. This isn't a judgment. I can see why it happens when the focus is on higher matters. But it is like the chakra system—all aspects of the energy centers are important and they all work together. How much easier to work with development in consciousness if the survival centers are balanced and supportive?
I do understand what you mean, I've been saying in various threads that remembrance was not important and that the mundane of here and now was the only mirror that one needs while incarnated. I've been more and more aware of the unconscious roles/mirrors I've been incarnating during my lifetime although I did not do a throughout retrospective of it all yet. I plan to do that to work my memory as I have a tendency to only be in the here and now and never think about past nor future. I do think this lifetime has been mostly a dull bus ride in my case, there's a single circumstance I believe acted as a strong catalyst prior to my journey of awakening.
Right now my self exploration process is mostly about using mundane experiences that stir up emotional responses which I then use as a gateway to dive into my soul and bring up what needs to be transmuted. The Universe will create circumstances for me to slightly hate someone for example, extremely rare occurrences as I have a hard time caring about anything and am mostly working on that. Then by diving into this hatred I can bring out and face greater and greater hatred/rage that exists within my soul. The process is somewhat fun as a veiled person who knew nothing about what could come out of it and that it also brings up stronger emotions than anything I've been experiencing in this lifetime.