(08-25-2015, 12:08 PM)Jade Wrote: I think you hit the nail on the head, plenum, especially the "limiting factors of the receiver". Ra kind of ran over that step with some strange terminology, but it was totally within Don's ability to further question what the "geographical and geometric ratios of the mind" meant more explicitly.
Unfortunately for our immediate understanding, after Ra finished answering the initial question in Session 5/6, the amount of information was so overwhelming that Don defaulted to asking about Venus and Maldek, leaving us with some good riddles to solve.
It also interesting to note that Ra tells Don he is a healer, and that they must accept that honor/responsibility if they want to learn the healing. I may be wrong, but I'm not sure Don did much active healing after accepting that honor/duty from Ra - sadly, because I think if he would have had less of an indigo blockage, he might have been able to do more work on Carla (not to mention himself). But, as it was, while they were involved in the Ra contact, it was a stressful time in general, especially for Don who did so much traveling for work. Blessings to them, just making a side comment about the session(s) we are discussing (Ra tells Don he has innate healing abilities in Session 4).
In my view being a healer is harsh, it is to consciously make others' sufferings your own when most try to escape from just their own.