Just wanted to note a fact reply for a easy sphere to find and observe right now!! If you look to the eastern sky after 10pm, find the brightest light in that direction...you can find Jupiter! Its so beautiful!
Also, if you observe Jupiter....know that you are then facing Pisces, where Jupiter and Uranus are sitting side by side right now. You cant see Uranus, but its there right by Jupiter. The King planet is sitting in the sign of our current age right now.
Your entire post was as if you were reading my heart and own feelings on Saturn. It is like a parents love, I agree. Tough sometimes...and pushy maybe even...but unconditional always. I really appreciate you sharing that with us
That was really awesome to hear someone describe such similar energies from Saturn.
Wanted to add some info for anyone wanting to keep up with the positions....
Go here...
Go down to the astronomy section..if you click on the Sun, it shows that right now the Sun is in Leo...
You can click the 'next' button on the above right and you can keep clicking it for as long as you want. You can use this to see when the Sun changes signs. It will not show when the Sun is on a cusp though, for details like that you would need to use Stellarium.
You can go back to the home page and click on the Moon button...
Right now the Moon is in Taurus and will move into Gemini on the 5th. This area between Taurus and Gemini is the area that sits over/above Orion. Orion is slowly entering our night sky's again, you can find Orion if you get up early before the Sun rises...looking to the East. This would mean to find the Moon right now and observe it, you would need to get up early before the Sun rises.
You can then click on 'planetary data' to find out where all the planets are at any time. It will also show you if a planet is outside the wheel, in a sign that is not in a part of the path of the zodiac constellations. For example, it shows right now that Mercury is in Sextans.
If you click on these links after the day I posted them, it may update new information automatically. Like if you click on the planet link I gave a month from now, its likely to update it to that particular day, not showing what I am seeing today on the lnk.
You can follow the moon this way...and observe the direction of the signs with the position of the Moon. Another great thing about this site is to know for sure when full moon is, what sign its in...as well as to know when the phase of 'dark moon' is, when we cant observe the moon. Dark moon can last anywhere from 1-3 days...this is why in the Bible it was stressed to OBSERVE...not predict or use fixed calendars. Of course dark moon cant be observed...but what they awaited for was the 'new crescent moon' which would show itself after dark moon as a think crescent in the low western sky, which shown them when a new moon phase began. Oddly enough, many religions that think they are following a correct calendar as their ancestors did, are not. They are using astronomy's definition for 'new moon' which oddly enough astronomy titles the time of dark moon as 'new moon', this is when the Moon and Sun are in conjunction and the Moon sits inbetween the Earth and the Sun. True new moon, according to the ancients was something that they could observe, and was the the thin crescent moon that would show itself in the low western sky. They used this to start their months and start their new year also.
I personally really resonate with this old way of keeping time through the year. I find it very useful. I await the Spring Equinox, then await the first crescent moon after the Equinox, to start a 'new year'. I personally like to fast from meats during this time for its a great time to be in sync with Spring coming, new births arising in nature, a cleansing from things in the past, and forgive the past and learn from it.
Anytime until September 15th, anytime you look at the Sun, know you are facing the direction of Leo. After the 15th, if you face the Sun, know you are facing the direction of Virgo.
Also, if you observe Jupiter....know that you are then facing Pisces, where Jupiter and Uranus are sitting side by side right now. You cant see Uranus, but its there right by Jupiter. The King planet is sitting in the sign of our current age right now.
(09-02-2010, 11:49 PM)seagrass Wrote: Saturn for me is like the father I didn't have. Or maybe my moon in Capricorn. Not sure which, but Saturn to me is restriction in order to push us to create something to get around it. Saturn gives us lessons in this manner. I see Saturn as a collection of professors each designing the tests to push us further, delve deeper, explore our desires... anything at all that gets us to move mountains. I think of the moon as our "dramas" and "themes" and our instinctive reaction to those dramas. I believe Saturn helps us move through those dramas with those enforced needs to get around them. Saturn is tough love personified. But what we create out of it's lessons is worth it. Saturn is something you appreciate after the fact. Then you see if you hadn't had the restriction, you might not have accomplished your desire because you didn't know it existed until it seemed impossible to have.
Your entire post was as if you were reading my heart and own feelings on Saturn. It is like a parents love, I agree. Tough sometimes...and pushy maybe even...but unconditional always. I really appreciate you sharing that with us

Wanted to add some info for anyone wanting to keep up with the positions....
Go here...
Go down to the astronomy section..if you click on the Sun, it shows that right now the Sun is in Leo...
You can click the 'next' button on the above right and you can keep clicking it for as long as you want. You can use this to see when the Sun changes signs. It will not show when the Sun is on a cusp though, for details like that you would need to use Stellarium.
You can go back to the home page and click on the Moon button...
Right now the Moon is in Taurus and will move into Gemini on the 5th. This area between Taurus and Gemini is the area that sits over/above Orion. Orion is slowly entering our night sky's again, you can find Orion if you get up early before the Sun rises...looking to the East. This would mean to find the Moon right now and observe it, you would need to get up early before the Sun rises.
You can then click on 'planetary data' to find out where all the planets are at any time. It will also show you if a planet is outside the wheel, in a sign that is not in a part of the path of the zodiac constellations. For example, it shows right now that Mercury is in Sextans.
If you click on these links after the day I posted them, it may update new information automatically. Like if you click on the planet link I gave a month from now, its likely to update it to that particular day, not showing what I am seeing today on the lnk.
You can follow the moon this way...and observe the direction of the signs with the position of the Moon. Another great thing about this site is to know for sure when full moon is, what sign its in...as well as to know when the phase of 'dark moon' is, when we cant observe the moon. Dark moon can last anywhere from 1-3 days...this is why in the Bible it was stressed to OBSERVE...not predict or use fixed calendars. Of course dark moon cant be observed...but what they awaited for was the 'new crescent moon' which would show itself after dark moon as a think crescent in the low western sky, which shown them when a new moon phase began. Oddly enough, many religions that think they are following a correct calendar as their ancestors did, are not. They are using astronomy's definition for 'new moon' which oddly enough astronomy titles the time of dark moon as 'new moon', this is when the Moon and Sun are in conjunction and the Moon sits inbetween the Earth and the Sun. True new moon, according to the ancients was something that they could observe, and was the the thin crescent moon that would show itself in the low western sky. They used this to start their months and start their new year also.
I personally really resonate with this old way of keeping time through the year. I find it very useful. I await the Spring Equinox, then await the first crescent moon after the Equinox, to start a 'new year'. I personally like to fast from meats during this time for its a great time to be in sync with Spring coming, new births arising in nature, a cleansing from things in the past, and forgive the past and learn from it.
Anytime until September 15th, anytime you look at the Sun, know you are facing the direction of Leo. After the 15th, if you face the Sun, know you are facing the direction of Virgo.