(08-18-2015, 10:26 AM)Jade Wrote: Do you ever do protection visualizations? Or ask your guides to protect you? These things can go a long ways. But if you don't ask for help, they won't break your free will by alleviating energies that you are currently indulging in.
I meditate daily and have been doing so for a little while now. I somewhat regularly visualize myself surrounded by and/or being saturated by white light, although I do however go through periods where this practice loses it's regular use. As for asking for help, I don't so much speak or write the words "please help and assist me" (although I sometimes do) as I emote wanting help, if that makes any sense. I almost feel like I've exhausted all of my options at times, and that it is just a matter of suffering through it, but feelings can sometimes lie to us. I am admittedly stubborn and prideful though ("I should be able to do this by myself" and "I don't need assistance, I have the strength to do it on my own"), which I am working on.
I think I am derailing the thread now, and will be starting my own one shortly.