08-16-2015, 02:26 PM
I believe that is the idea. You lessen the impact of the emotional charge. You learn to control your emtoions, which develops the will. There are times when impatience in beneficial - say, if you're an ambulance driver, or firefighter. Or in other rare situations where an emergency might occur in anyone's every-day life. Learning to harness your emotions for their power instead of reacting to a situation blindly, as is the natural state of the mind, is the key to developing the will.
So invoking the approval/disapproval mechanism, we stop saying we need to encourage one emotion or discourage another, but rather learn to experience all emotions through a clearer filter and develop acceptance, which leads to further understanding of the self and others. We can also develop preferences and become more skilled at knowing which situation benefits most from which emotion(s).
While being a balanced entity and not experiencing emotions is what we all really think we want, what 3D is about is experiencing emotions then balancing them. Not avoiding the emotions, but thoroughly indulging in them. An adept/healer (who Ra is speaking to) embraces and then transmutes, like a crystal fracturing the light. The more comfortable we are in the realm of emotions the more purely distilled we can make that light that diffuses through us.
So invoking the approval/disapproval mechanism, we stop saying we need to encourage one emotion or discourage another, but rather learn to experience all emotions through a clearer filter and develop acceptance, which leads to further understanding of the self and others. We can also develop preferences and become more skilled at knowing which situation benefits most from which emotion(s).
While being a balanced entity and not experiencing emotions is what we all really think we want, what 3D is about is experiencing emotions then balancing them. Not avoiding the emotions, but thoroughly indulging in them. An adept/healer (who Ra is speaking to) embraces and then transmutes, like a crystal fracturing the light. The more comfortable we are in the realm of emotions the more purely distilled we can make that light that diffuses through us.