08-09-2015, 10:17 PM
You will experience all sorts of unpleasantness as you follow this path. It can even become really really scary. It will make you want to go back to being asleep at times, but you can never go back. But know that you are always safe. No mater how scary it gets.
I hope you have read The Law of One in its entirety. If you have not go back and do so.
If you have, then you will have an understanding of the energy systems our body's have. Also called chakras.
I want to help you. If you listen to me I will. And I hope you do.
First, you must learn to meditate, but meditate within a framework that is called the Celestial
Sanctum. This is a place, created in your minds eye. This is a place that you will call upon during your meditations. You will visualize this place as a beach, a temple, or a cabin in the mountains. A place that gives you peace and relaxation, whatever that may be. But create it in your mind to the most minute detail and remember it. This is the inner sanctum of your mind. Where you will find absolute peace where you can do the workings of The Law of One.
Once you have a strong idea of what this place looks like in your mind, it is time to visit it.
Find a room in your house, a room that is quiet, and one that you can use with out disruption from others. A room that you can dedicate this type of working to in peace, repeatedly from now on. Building an altar facing East is very helpful for this working. It is also very very helpful to play binarual beats on some headphones as you do this. If you have an altar, have a glass bowl of clean water and a glass of cold water. Wash your hands in the bowl and drink of the cold water as a sign of purity.
Once you find this and are ready, sit upright, eyes closed and back straight and perform the following:
Step 1: Breath in deeply for seven seconds. Step 2: hold your breath for seven seconds. Step 3: breath out for seven seconds. Step 3: refrain from breathing for another seven seconds.
Go back to Step 1 and repeat this seven times.
Once you do this, you will feel very relaxed. Your hands and feet might tingle. This is good.
After this, envision yourself floating through the ceiling of your room, floating slowly above the city you live, floating above the clouds, and then floating above the Earth itself. See the Earth grow smaller and smaller beneath your feet as you float upwards into space. Envision yourself floating down onto the Celestial Sanctum that you have created in your minds eye. In this meditative state, walk around in it, become comfortable and relaxed in this Sanctum.
From here state the following words: "May the Sublime Essence of the Cosmic infuse in my being and cleanse me of all impurities of the body and mind so that I may enter the Celestial Sanctum and attune with all purity and perfect dignity. So Mote it Be."
And this is where you begin to work on your energy centers.
First, focus on the area of your perineum, and think of the color red.
Breath in deeply and on your exhalation vibrate the mantra LAM. Repeat 3 times.
Second, focus on the area below your navel, and think of the color orange.
Breath in deeply and on your exhalation vibrate the mantra VAM. Repeat 3 times.
Third, focus on the area just below your heart, and think of the color yellow.
Breath in deeply and on your exhalation vibrate the mantra RAM. Repeat 3 times.
Fourth, focus on the area of your heart, and think of the color green.
Breath in deeply and on your exhalation vibrate the mantra YAM. Repeat 3 times.
After this, vibrate deeply this mantra 7 times on the exhalation of your breath, " RA MEH Ra MAH Ra MEH"
Fifth, focus on the area of your throat, and think of the color blue.
Breath in deeply and on your exhalation vibrate the mantra HAM. Repeat 3 times.
After this, vibrate deeply this mantra 7 times on the exhalation of your breath, " THO THO Ra MAH THO"
Sixth, focus on the area between your eyebrows, and think of the color indigo.
Breath in deeply and on your exhalation vibrate the mantra AUM. Repeat 3 times.
You will feel a throbbing sensation at your temple. Your hands and feet will also be filled with energy.
Keep your eyes closed and focus on your third eye. You will begin to see colors, shapes, maybe people, rooms or things.
Once you are ready to leave this sanctum, recite: "May the Cosmic Sanctify this working I have made in the Celestial Sanctum. So mote it be."
Slowly open your eyes and go about your day.
Do this for a few months. If this helps you, if this is a ritual that invigorates your being, I will show you more.
I hope you have read The Law of One in its entirety. If you have not go back and do so.
If you have, then you will have an understanding of the energy systems our body's have. Also called chakras.
I want to help you. If you listen to me I will. And I hope you do.
First, you must learn to meditate, but meditate within a framework that is called the Celestial
Sanctum. This is a place, created in your minds eye. This is a place that you will call upon during your meditations. You will visualize this place as a beach, a temple, or a cabin in the mountains. A place that gives you peace and relaxation, whatever that may be. But create it in your mind to the most minute detail and remember it. This is the inner sanctum of your mind. Where you will find absolute peace where you can do the workings of The Law of One.
Once you have a strong idea of what this place looks like in your mind, it is time to visit it.
Find a room in your house, a room that is quiet, and one that you can use with out disruption from others. A room that you can dedicate this type of working to in peace, repeatedly from now on. Building an altar facing East is very helpful for this working. It is also very very helpful to play binarual beats on some headphones as you do this. If you have an altar, have a glass bowl of clean water and a glass of cold water. Wash your hands in the bowl and drink of the cold water as a sign of purity.
Once you find this and are ready, sit upright, eyes closed and back straight and perform the following:
Step 1: Breath in deeply for seven seconds. Step 2: hold your breath for seven seconds. Step 3: breath out for seven seconds. Step 3: refrain from breathing for another seven seconds.
Go back to Step 1 and repeat this seven times.
Once you do this, you will feel very relaxed. Your hands and feet might tingle. This is good.
After this, envision yourself floating through the ceiling of your room, floating slowly above the city you live, floating above the clouds, and then floating above the Earth itself. See the Earth grow smaller and smaller beneath your feet as you float upwards into space. Envision yourself floating down onto the Celestial Sanctum that you have created in your minds eye. In this meditative state, walk around in it, become comfortable and relaxed in this Sanctum.
From here state the following words: "May the Sublime Essence of the Cosmic infuse in my being and cleanse me of all impurities of the body and mind so that I may enter the Celestial Sanctum and attune with all purity and perfect dignity. So Mote it Be."
And this is where you begin to work on your energy centers.
First, focus on the area of your perineum, and think of the color red.
Breath in deeply and on your exhalation vibrate the mantra LAM. Repeat 3 times.
Second, focus on the area below your navel, and think of the color orange.
Breath in deeply and on your exhalation vibrate the mantra VAM. Repeat 3 times.
Third, focus on the area just below your heart, and think of the color yellow.
Breath in deeply and on your exhalation vibrate the mantra RAM. Repeat 3 times.
Fourth, focus on the area of your heart, and think of the color green.
Breath in deeply and on your exhalation vibrate the mantra YAM. Repeat 3 times.
After this, vibrate deeply this mantra 7 times on the exhalation of your breath, " RA MEH Ra MAH Ra MEH"
Fifth, focus on the area of your throat, and think of the color blue.
Breath in deeply and on your exhalation vibrate the mantra HAM. Repeat 3 times.
After this, vibrate deeply this mantra 7 times on the exhalation of your breath, " THO THO Ra MAH THO"
Sixth, focus on the area between your eyebrows, and think of the color indigo.
Breath in deeply and on your exhalation vibrate the mantra AUM. Repeat 3 times.
You will feel a throbbing sensation at your temple. Your hands and feet will also be filled with energy.
Keep your eyes closed and focus on your third eye. You will begin to see colors, shapes, maybe people, rooms or things.
Once you are ready to leave this sanctum, recite: "May the Cosmic Sanctify this working I have made in the Celestial Sanctum. So mote it be."
Slowly open your eyes and go about your day.
Do this for a few months. If this helps you, if this is a ritual that invigorates your being, I will show you more.