(07-29-2015, 08:50 AM)Cainite Wrote: Greetings
Recently I have come to the conclusion that I'm not positive and my chi has increased.. I can't harm innocents or be vile for a moment without hating myself either. and I have to remain noble no matter what.
so now I'm thinking I may be neutral in polarity. I see great service to myself in neutrality.. I have had experiences such as fighting demons that were in advanced second density form. my last fight with a female demon was fought completely magical and she was defeated easily. every time i find myself in higher densities while unconscious.. I am always alone except when I went to her lair to fight her. my best friend was at my side. my experience of intelligent infinity was also a very solitary one.. i felt no unity just glory and other good feelings! I was alone.. so am I negative or positive? can anyone help me?
Perhaps repolarizing, which is a process that takes time and is hard in itself, akin to healing the soul.
I can relate to most of your story except for you visiting non-material realms which is something I am currently working on among other things.
I've also at first had a very strong resonance when contemplating not being positive, which was what I first had assumed I was.