07-23-2015, 02:11 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-23-2015, 02:11 AM by APeacefulWarrior.)
I think one issue with this whole topic of conversation is treating "Wanderers" as a single group. Since they can come from 4D, 5D, or 6D sources, they'd be likely to have very different goals/motivations depending on their originating density. Not to mention extra wrinkles from different polarities being involved.
Plus, the higher-density the source, the less the overarching S-M-C would be risking of "themselves" by participating in the process. Like, a 4D who decides to wander would be legitimately risking getting stuck on Earth for another cycle if they failed to remember. OTOH Ra, who likely has thousands of Wanderers, is risking far less with each individual one. The overall entity which is Ra can't get caught up in the cycle, just small pieces of him. So the reason for Wandering and the goals involved would be very individualistic, I think.
And I think this would be especially true when talking about S-M-C derived Wanderers since, at that point, they ARE looking towards switching or abandoning polarity. A 5D or 6D neg who has come to accept Oneness, for example, would likely want to deliberately spawn positive Wanderers to help understand that point of view. Or a strongly-positive 6D might need to create Negative Wanderers specifically to help them overcome polarity and embrace the true love of All which would be necessary for making the 7D transition into Unity. Or they might even look towards creating Wanderers who are, themselves, already balanced between the polarities to try to simulate the balance they're looking to embrace on a larger scale.
Basically, I don't think polarizing is nearly as important on the higher densities, because like Anagogy said, the raising of consciousness has already happened. A Wanderer who never wakes up, and spends their life trappd within the illusion is at risk of getting stuck, but I don't think that one who has remembered themselves and reconnected with their higher selves really needs to worry about obtaining a particular polarity. The important thing is recognizing the choice involved and deliberately self-actualizing towards whatever goal they believe is best for their development.
Plus, the higher-density the source, the less the overarching S-M-C would be risking of "themselves" by participating in the process. Like, a 4D who decides to wander would be legitimately risking getting stuck on Earth for another cycle if they failed to remember. OTOH Ra, who likely has thousands of Wanderers, is risking far less with each individual one. The overall entity which is Ra can't get caught up in the cycle, just small pieces of him. So the reason for Wandering and the goals involved would be very individualistic, I think.
And I think this would be especially true when talking about S-M-C derived Wanderers since, at that point, they ARE looking towards switching or abandoning polarity. A 5D or 6D neg who has come to accept Oneness, for example, would likely want to deliberately spawn positive Wanderers to help understand that point of view. Or a strongly-positive 6D might need to create Negative Wanderers specifically to help them overcome polarity and embrace the true love of All which would be necessary for making the 7D transition into Unity. Or they might even look towards creating Wanderers who are, themselves, already balanced between the polarities to try to simulate the balance they're looking to embrace on a larger scale.
Basically, I don't think polarizing is nearly as important on the higher densities, because like Anagogy said, the raising of consciousness has already happened. A Wanderer who never wakes up, and spends their life trappd within the illusion is at risk of getting stuck, but I don't think that one who has remembered themselves and reconnected with their higher selves really needs to worry about obtaining a particular polarity. The important thing is recognizing the choice involved and deliberately self-actualizing towards whatever goal they believe is best for their development.