03-23-2009, 11:40 PM
P.S: on further reading my notes above (as seen below with bold added) it seems clear that it might assist the conversation that we also add that the 8 octaves of each of the eight densities, IMHO, as being the finer measurements of the degree of consciousness within a density, this as was given in the 2nd density example of the Microbe to Chimp, both in 2nd density, but each having graduated to a higher octave within that density, verses the obvious and grosser measurement of graduation to a whole Density, which is the equivalent of a Harvest. Perhaps it may be said that one may graduate from one octave to another octave, even in one lifetime, or at least hopefully over the course of a following lifetime(s), and to a Harvest over the course of many many many many lifetimes, and even at the risk of repeating a density, in our case of yet again another 75,000 years.
I hope this conversation is helpful, assuming I am on a correct track to assist? If not...please assist the noble if misguided :-/ attempt at same.
Remaining thankful to the provoking conversation to both of you Richard and 3D.
I hope this conversation is helpful, assuming I am on a correct track to assist? If not...please assist the noble if misguided :-/ attempt at same.
(03-23-2009, 04:45 PM)Quantum Wrote: I believe that indeed Ra's usage of density is analogous to our understanding of the word dimension, as each have been used interchangeably by them several times. But I believe density to be utilized more as regards consciousness within a dimension. For example, all creatures on earth, whether in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd density, exist in 3rd dimension. But 1st density exists as mineral (i.e. fire, water, earth, air, etc) albeit in 3rd dimension, as does 2nd density(i.e. plant/animal) albeit in 3rd dimension, as does man with his ability to self actualize as a result of self-consciousness, again albeit fully in 3rd density and in 3rd dimension. But, to the man with the greater consciousness earned by degree of integrity to the path is the greater light awarded in awareness, i.e. consciousness, and thus is he at a greater octave in 3rd density by vibration, playing as if the "Tee" key (7th note), while his brethren still struggles playing the "Doe" key (first note) of the eight notes in the 3rd density with 8 octaves of Doe-Ra-Me-Fa-So-La-Tee-Doe. Vibration in this context is as good of a word as is octave, or note, as in the eight notes of an octave each scaling in higher pitch and tone as it reaches the next octave . All are partially activated in varying levels [b]and degrees of 1-8 octaves, inclusive of man in 3rd density, as well as are the creatures more or less fully activated in 2nd density with 1-8 octaves, as are the "things"/elements activated in 1st density 1-8 octaves.
Remaining thankful to the provoking conversation to both of you Richard and 3D.