Another good quote about karma and forgiveness.
From this you can also make out that in the event of a self hurting another self, the self that is hurted can also develop karma by not forgiving the other self that did the action of hurting him and even beyond the "evil self", if that one forgives himself.
All is One means that you can only be hurt by yourself or hurt yourself, and that ultimately all will be forgiven and loved by all parties. No experience will be considered lesser than any other, no experience will be wished to not have been experienced.
Awareness that at all times, it always was the same driving Love behind each things is what we are working toward. Karma is only a tool to grow closer to this awareness.
Quote:18.12 Questioner: You stated yesterday that forgiveness is the eradicator of karma. I am assuming that balanced forgiveness for the full eradication ofkarma would require forgiveness not only of other-selves but forgiveness of self. Am I correct?
Ra: I am Ra. You are correct. We will briefly expand upon this understanding in order to clarify.
Forgiveness of other-self is forgiveness of self. An understanding of this insists upon full forgiveness upon the conscious level of self and other-self, for they are one. A full forgiveness is thus impossible without the inclusion of self.
From this you can also make out that in the event of a self hurting another self, the self that is hurted can also develop karma by not forgiving the other self that did the action of hurting him and even beyond the "evil self", if that one forgives himself.
All is One means that you can only be hurt by yourself or hurt yourself, and that ultimately all will be forgiven and loved by all parties. No experience will be considered lesser than any other, no experience will be wished to not have been experienced.
Awareness that at all times, it always was the same driving Love behind each things is what we are working toward. Karma is only a tool to grow closer to this awareness.