(08-24-2010, 04:36 PM)Pablísimo Wrote: Just for the record, this particular form of Astrology is not universally accepted in astrological circles. There's quite a controversy about the basic premise of it, in fact. One small example is the relative importance of the precise birthtime in this system is much lower than in others. There are several other more traditional (and indeed more esoteric) systems of astrology that may resonate better with some of those unfamiliar with the topic.
litlelady requested no debate on the method, which is perfectly reasonable in the light of how heated such discussions can get. However, I do think that in the spirit of open exchange that that the fact that there IS some disagreement about it should be noted, though not discussed in this particular thread out of respect for the OP and the loving spirit in which she is sharing the information.
I myself am in no way denigrating this branch of Astrology, despite it not being one that I follow myself, because we all must find the truth that resonates with us and what is right for one is not necessarily right for everyone, especially in such arcane areas where there is already plenty of confusion.
Love to all
I was hoping my opening post was clear that there was much disagreement with modern astrology and the method I am using.
My Opining Post was actually a copy and paste from a thread I used at a larger forum where there are alot of people that would of loved to derail the thread with debates so I kinda placed that debate part just for that forum. I am open to discussion on the differences and I hope that in my OP I made it clear that what I was offering was very different then what modern astrology offers to people.
I have debated for a long time about posting this method here at bring4th the light because it is a controversial topic for some and I dont like to feel like I may be causing any ripples in the waters with anyone here in a personal way. The more I have studied though, and became more sure footed in what I have studied, the more confident I felt about the method and felt a urge to final post it here.
I hope that those who do use modern astrology take no offense or personal issues with the fact that I have really lost alot of faith in the way astrology has been used of the last 2000 years with the fixed wheel as well as given people readings and predictions.
This method clearly follows what can be observed in our sky's presently, from a perspective on Earth. I think there are many people that do not realize that astrology does not follow true observations of the sky from Earths perspective, I know I was not aware of this 3 years ago.
This is defiantly a different method and I fully encourage others that do resonate with astrology and its modern methods to stay sure footed on their path as well.
If there are things you would like to discuss about the differences or reasons for the different methods I welcome that....for there are some here that dont understand why there is a difference and it may bring a light to them one way or the other. Im not here to say one is right or wrong...even though I have opinions on them.
In fact, could you explain more about how the birth time is 'lower' then in other methods, when using this method? Im not sure I understand what you are saying with a birth time being lower? Do you mean lower on the position on the wheel?
I hope my intentions are seen as true, for I feel that in days of old, astrology was not practiced in the ways it is today and I hope to bring alight back to that old practice of observing the sky and using the present observations.
All my best!