08-24-2010, 03:08 PM
(08-24-2010, 01:55 PM)Quantum Wrote: Might we assume these difficulties only lie as regards inner work only, or for outer as well?
It would seem to me that they would represent difficulties not so much for performing work, but rather potential kinks in the armor, so to speak, of the m/b/s complex that could be exploited by a nefarious entity at the instants of transition from negative to positive or positive to negative.
(08-24-2010, 01:55 PM)Quantum Wrote: Help me to understand if we are saying the same thing when I say that it might be argued that days 1-9 in total are more reserved for inner work given days 4,5,6 (Zenith positive) are most powerful for same, and for which we may infer that days 10-18 are best for outer work, and for which we have determined that days 13-15 (Zenith negative )are most powerful for said outer work? Therefore 1-3 are waxing for inner with 4,5,6 as Zenith and whereas waning from 7-9; and for the positive curve they would seem to be waxing 10,11,12 with 13,14,15 as most powerful and waning from 16,17,18.
We are almost entirely in agreement. My main point (and our slight discontinuity) is that the positive is rising (waxing) up until the zenith at day 5. Even though it is still high on day 6, it has now begun it's decent (and is waning). In mathematics, statistics, the stock market, etc., what is sometimes less important than the magnitude of a value, is its direction. So, just as you have a nadir representing a moment in time, so to do the zeniths. In the case of the zeniths, the moments are the instants where the waxing energy begins waning and waning energy begins waxing. I'm not sure how/when or even if this distinction is significant, but since I was using the terms waxing and waning, I wanted to be exact in my definitions.
(08-24-2010, 01:55 PM)Quantum Wrote: Here again I return to the spiritually pragmatists path of not wishing too soon to depart into the deep end of the pool until readily called by forces higher than my petty will of wishing to speedily depart out of 3D, and this before having learned to adeptly swim first, and although inadvertently not thinking it through, nonetheless wishing everyone else mayhem in the process, i.e. by default hoping for the flood, fire, quake or shift of 2012 as not coming soon enough. I humorously continue to see this as antithetical thinking with respect to beings in aspiration towards STO love. I rather like my coffee and tea to brew slowly (gradualist camp) versus out of a jar as instant (instantaneous camp). Earthly food as much as Spiritual food is also best served as gourmet requiring the time to prepare as much as savor, versus fast food for instant consumption.
I agree, and, as we have discussed before, have long since concluded that what happens, when, and to whom, with respect to the Harvest is actually transient information. I know not whether it all will end tomorrow, on 11/11/11, 12/21/12, some day in between, some day 700 years from now, or not until the sun becomes a red dwarf and swallows the Earth in a fiery flash, and neither do I care. I do not wish for an early departure, but neither do I wish for a protracted engagement. I simply wish it to end, when the time is right. And I try to work daily to ensure that, when I do eventually exit this stage, I have left a positive vibration upon its distortion.
As I like to say, I ensure daily that the last words my wife and daughters hear when they go to sleep at night, and the first words they hear when they awake each morning is my soft whisper of "I love you". Of what better service can we be than that?
Love and Light, my dear friend,
3D Sunset