(06-24-2015, 05:11 PM)Nicholas Wrote: I find that image above quite insightful where the invisible sephira intersects with the pineal gland. Amber Jayanti, who acquainted me with this practise here also affirms your position Matt in that it is a "living and growing system".
She asserts that this hidden, or 10th sephirah is what separates the traditional "Kabbalah" (jewish) from the hermetic, or progressive "Qabalah".
Spelt this way (with a Q) infers a more inclusive system, is non denominational or eclectic in direction. Apparently (according to Amber) this came from a mid 19th century culmination of eastern/western philosophy.
Perhaps this invisible sephira pertains to the "gateway", thus explaining our historical reluctance to recognise its inherent existence?
Yeah. You have a dialectic triad with Geburah and Chesed finding synthesis in Daath or knowledge. Originally it from comments in the Sepher Yetzirah which basically said that the Sephiroth are 10 and not 9, 9 and not 11 or something along those lines. It was from this hint that Daath came out of. The middle pillar is of great interests if you take the numbers 10 9 6 and 1, you get 26 which is the Gematria value of the tetragrammon or Yahweh. Yod heh Vah Heh. The idea being that physical reality is reflected from the subconsciousness of Yesod, which in turn is reflected by the self in tiphareth which in turn is reflected through the true self in kether.
However if we take Daath in to this picture what does it represent? If the Physical is the Conscious mind that is Malkuth, the Subconscious is then Yesod, perhaps Daath can be seen as the Unconscious mind which has the repressed shadow material before the unveiling happens across the abyss as one moves into the supernals and kether.
In short you could make these correspondences to the tree.
Malkuth : Conscious Mind.
Yesod: Subconscious mind.
Tiphreth: Persona ?
Daath: Unconsciousness/repressed shadow
Kether: Fully conscious mind.