(08-24-2010, 10:25 AM)Questioner Wrote: Do you need time of birth or just date?
A time lets me be more exact with the location of your moon.
If you dont have a specific time, a morning, afternoon or night would help more then nothing.
For others who do not know a time, I can tell you the path of the moon for that day.
(08-24-2010, 07:08 AM)Shemaya Wrote:(08-23-2010, 08:28 AM)litllady Wrote: Hello Shemaya!
Sun is in Leo under the belly of the Lion. Jupiter, Pluto, and Mercury also in Leo with your Sun.
Before the Sun rises on this day, Cancer comes in the East bringing the Moon before Leo rises. Leo rises in the East bringing first Jupiter above the horizon, then the Sun.
Venus sits outside the wheel (outside the path of the Sun) in the sign called 'Sextans'.
Saturn on the cusp of Pisces (our current age) and Cetus (a sign that is outside the wheel, outside the path of the Sun).
The Sun is currently in Leo...so right now until about the middle of September, anytime you face the sun at any time of day, you are facing your gateway at birth. I think observing this would be great for you.
This link shows you the Sun's in Leo and you can click the 'next button' at top to find when it will leave Leo (you have to click it day by day, be patient).
Your Moon phase...Your Moon is a thin crescent but its in its last day of a cycle...hence, it rises right before the Sun on your b-day. To calculate moon phase use link below
Here is a image that includes alot of the spheres at your birth...(Moon, Jupiter, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Pluto, and Uranus)
It does feel great to be connected to such a passion within meWhat is greater is sharing it!
My best to you!
Thanks Lynette,
Interesting that there is so much Leo on my birthday, I'll have to look into that.
Also, "outside the path of the sun" was interesting to me...it showed up twice in your description. Can you explain more..not only the astronomy, but your sense of what the energy means?
Do you recommend a good source of information to study the energies...or as you said just observe and see what comes up?
Ra said in Book IV that astrology is one of the ways to study the archetypal mind, along with kabbalah and the tarot. And we know that the tarot is what Ra and Don Elkins discussed. I wish I had more time to study all this stuff!!
Thanks for your help,
For the energies, I would start with a general meditation..clearing the mind and when you think about a sphere...what has your life and experiences led you to think about that sphere....maybe the first reaction of yourself to that sphere is a temperature such as hot or cold...maybe the first reaction to it is a distance of near or far...or size ect. Colors may be what is your first resonation. Then use any history you relate to the sphere, for our highest self knows the stories and personifications we are born under in mankind's past, a higher self could use a history of a sphere to reach you, connect to you.
The more time you observe and focus on each one, the more you may learn within yourself what you feel with it.
I personally have little understanding about Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus....part of the reason is they are hard to observe in the night sky. So I have spent much more time focusing with the planets I can observe.
The planet I resonate the most with is Saturn. Even though I love Venus...Saturn is deep within me. I feel Saturn is like a counselor...it can guide and lead and show us things that we likely dont want to face...but when we do face it, its a beautiful thing, it can offer us leaps instead of steps. Mars is often depicted as trouble or war...I have had a different experience with Mars though. I always sense a need to send love and oddly enough forgiveness to Mars...I feel it stands basically for healing energies. The Moon is like a reflective light..and may not always offer what we know as truth. A reflective light is not the true light...this is why I love the time of 'no moon' and I feel the a better sense of self in the time of no moon.
These are just some general things I have found on my path...but they may not be that for everyone.
You and I both have Venus in 'Sextans'...and I find Sextans to be one of the most interesting sides that is outside the wheel because it is a object of man.
The above link also gives some info of all the signs...you can look through the list to see if anything resonates with you about the signs.
I would recommend spending some time sun gazing while the Sun is in the gateway of Leo, the same place it was when you were born. Anytime you look at the Sun until middle of September, you will be facing the direction of the Sun's gateway at your birth.
These are just suggestions...

If anyone can show me how to embed pictures this would benefit this thread and peoples understanding greatly. I can offer images of the Sun's positions and the other spheres as well.
Here is the widget I use to get images from...
Everyone can type in their day of birth and see where the Sun was as well as the other spheres.
If your born in the morning, hit the 'east' button on the bottom and it should take you to a general view...then use the arrows to move around to follow the path of the Sun for that day.
If your born in the evening, hit the 'west' button on the bottom and it should take you to a general view...then again, use the arrows to move through the pathway of the Sun (zodiac).
The widget does not show boundary lines..so it is hard to determine a cusp line with it, which is one of the reasons I like Stellarium to determine cusps. But the widget is good enough, for a image of the sky at your birth.
(08-23-2010, 11:07 PM)zanny Wrote: Hi litllady,
this post is very interesting to me...I recently discovered information about Ophiuchus (it was called our 13th constillation) and started to do some research. I was wondering if there was a way to find out if it changed my sun sign...And here you are posting this thread! lol
My Mother and I have always been interested in astrology-so I immediately called her to explain what I had found out. She was interested until I mentioned that it was possible that I am not an aquairus, and she is not a scorpio...She said that was 'not possible' and basically that was the end of that conversation.
Thanks for offering to do this because I have been rather curious!
My b-day...1-27-70 (michigan) 11pm
Mom's...11-10-49 not sure of the time.
Hi Zanny!
Sun in Capricorn...while conjuncting Venus in Capricorn.
Mars in Pisces (our current age).
Saturn on cusp of 3 signs! Pisces, Aries, and Cetus (a sign outside the wheel).
Uranus, Moon, and Jupiter all in Virgo.
Pluto outside the wheel in Coma Berenices ( names after an Egyptian Goddess).
Neptune in Libra.
Mercury in Sagittarius.
Aquarius would be your past/old sign and likely has carried over things of benefit for you in this life, still resonating deeply with you.
Capricorn is the age that will come after Aquarius....maybe your one step ahead of the age to come

Your moon phase...you can calculate it here...
Edit to add image for you
![[Image: b0b9dfdfa1ca.jpg]](http://files.abovetopsecret.com/images/member/b0b9dfdfa1ca.jpg)
For Mom! 11-10-49
I would like to make a note about Scorpios. I find very few of them using the system I use because the Sun is in Scorpio so little time (a week).
Sun sits at the top of the scales in Libra, on her birth. Mercury also in Libra.
Venus and Jupiter in Sagittarius (Sagittarius is interesting because it is like the guard to the center direction of our galaxy, when we fact Sagittarius, and can locate the place in front of his bow, this is the direction of the center to our galaxy).
Uranus and Moon in Gemini.
Mars and Saturn in Leo, both under the Lion. Pluto also in Leo, sitting out in front of the Lion, right before his nose.
Neptune in Virgo.
Edit to add image...for Mom
![[Image: a233baf5d0a8.jpg]](http://files.abovetopsecret.com/images/member/a233baf5d0a8.jpg)
Try using this widget....to show mom...just for fun. Type in your births, and navigate through the path of the Sun, planets, and moon on your births.
My best to you and yours
My the way...I feel the urge to tell you, Capricorn is the protector of the mountain.

(08-23-2010, 11:39 PM)Aaron Wrote: I actually downloaded the Stellarium program and looked for myself after seeing your post in the other thread.I saw that although the fixed wheel says I'm an Aries, according to the program, the sun seems to be rising in Pisces on my birthday. To me, that matches my life situation much more.
I'm not sure, however, how to get all that other complicated info you seem to be able to extract.lol! Could you help me take a closer look at 03/30/1989?
Hello Aaron!
Sun is in Pisces (our current age).
Mercury and Venus both sit on a cusp of Pisces and Cetus (a sign that is outside the wheel, outside the path of the sun).
Jupiter and Mars in Taurus.
Pluto on cusp of Virgo and Libra.
Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, and the Moon in Sagittarius. Neptune and Saturn are in conjunction together at your birth.
Your moon phase can be calculated below...
Some info about Cetus...sense you have 2 energies riding the edge of it...
Edit to add image of Sun in Pisces at your birth...
![[Image: 9fff70d706ff.jpg]](http://files.abovetopsecret.com/images/member/9fff70d706ff.jpg)
My best to you