08-24-2010, 10:42 AM
(08-23-2010, 11:15 PM)Peregrinus Wrote: I'd like to design a web page where one could put in their birth date and view various cycles, but I don't have the chops to know how to get all the calculations to work. Anyone? I have the site, just need the implementation.
(08-24-2010, 10:12 AM)Questioner Wrote: I don't have time to implement this, but I can give some tips that might help you.
What a very interesting idea and undertaking. It might serve as a wonderful means for a standalone website, which if incorporated with a link to the Ra Material specifically, the L/L Material in general, the Study Guide as a quick intro, and ultimately the B4th Forum, might be offered as a service and beacon to attract a greater segment of the general public.
I am still however left to wonder which interpretation as regards the 18 day cycle might be the more correct with respect to Nadirs vs Zenith points, with Zenith points being the more advantageous, not only for inner work as is resolved by the Ra quote, and as 3D and Peregrinus interpret as same for Earthly work, or as I point out in my previous posts that perhaps in fact may be the Nadir points for Earthly work as Ra may have been alluding to?