06-24-2015, 09:22 AM
(06-24-2015, 08:43 AM)mjlabadia Wrote:
I see a very common thread of childhood experiences on the receiving end of bullying, in our members.
I wonder if a common lesson is that of forgiveness?
(06-24-2015, 08:43 AM)mjlabadia Wrote: I don't know why it seems such a common paradigm in the lives of those of us who are "awakening".
All I can imagine is it too,......... is a catalyst that is crucial for us to process.
This excerpt that Bring_4th Jim shared on January the 15th (in Carla's blog) seemed to affirm for me on a personal level what you are asking here mjlabadia.
Quote:I read to Carla from Your Soul's Gift where the topic of contrast and learning-through-opposites life plan was discussed: "In such a life blueprint, the soul plans to experience precisely the opposite of what it most wishes to learn. There are infinite shades and variations of learning-through-opposites plans. A common plan at this time in history is for souls who want to learn about unity consciousness--the Oneness of all beings--to incarnate into families in which they are very different from all other family members. The interpersonal frictions and even ostracism that result cause them to feel separate. The pain of feeling separation drives them inward and over time they come into a feeling-knowing of the Divinity that dwells within. When they sense Holiness within self, they are able to sense Holiness within everyone. They realize that Divinity permeates all things and all beings, that It is the very essence of all that exists. This awareness is the dawn of unity consciousness, a consciousness into which humanity is now rapidly moving."