08-22-2010, 02:52 PM
Aaron - thank you so so much for posting that thread! I love it
I will defiantly revisit it tomorrow when I have more time.
The bit,
Ra: There is a larger percentile group of those who have a fairly well defined, shall we say, symptomology indicating to them that they are not of this, shall we say, “insanity.”
Made me laugh out loud for a long time!
Experience You, hello - I think I understand what you mean
My dreams at the moment are amazing, every night I get more tastes of the rest of me.
I had the most amazing lucid dream of being just a thought moving in space, large enough to embrace galaxy’s or small enough to visit and talk to them.
Same time, I love being here - I see lessons every day, I can analyze how I react and feel energy.
I had a dream moths ago I missed the harvest; it was before I'd even herd of the term harvest.
I only remembered last night as I was writing up another dream, and skimmed back in my book.
I'd gone of to find more people to tell them that the change was happening 'now' and missed it because I'd forgotten something.... but It was all good, I was utterly content and happy to remain with the ones behind. I guess my message to me is that this harvest means nothing when we realise exist in infinity.

The bit,
Ra: There is a larger percentile group of those who have a fairly well defined, shall we say, symptomology indicating to them that they are not of this, shall we say, “insanity.”
Made me laugh out loud for a long time!
Experience You, hello - I think I understand what you mean

My dreams at the moment are amazing, every night I get more tastes of the rest of me.
I had the most amazing lucid dream of being just a thought moving in space, large enough to embrace galaxy’s or small enough to visit and talk to them.
Same time, I love being here - I see lessons every day, I can analyze how I react and feel energy.
I had a dream moths ago I missed the harvest; it was before I'd even herd of the term harvest.
I only remembered last night as I was writing up another dream, and skimmed back in my book.
I'd gone of to find more people to tell them that the change was happening 'now' and missed it because I'd forgotten something.... but It was all good, I was utterly content and happy to remain with the ones behind. I guess my message to me is that this harvest means nothing when we realise exist in infinity.