06-15-2015, 02:46 AM
Here's what I sent to Zachary as a PM. It is lightly edited:
Quote:As far as how confused the negative entity is, it really depends on how specialized the neg entity is in terms of its skill. It also more or less corresponds to how high the neg entity is in terms of densities.
The neg entity that is not an adept will have enough awareness to know that it is one with the Creator. The only nuance is that it sees itself as the one and only Creator. This is not an illusion since we are all the Creator. The neg entity will also see others as extensions of themselves. But it's sort of hard to tell whether the neg entity that is not adept sees the other-selves as Creator since it sees other-selves as extensions of itself and since it sees itself as Creator. I realize how complicated that sounds. Even though I did embark upon the negative path (I'm not on it anymore), I don't really know too much about the negative entity who doesn't have much awareness and how it thinks since, being familiar with the Law of One, I had more awareness than the average "negative entity." I guess you could say that I was comparable to a negative entity that chose to embark upon the path of the negative adept.
I pretty much already described the negative adept on the thread, but just to recap, the negative adept fully accepts itself as the Creator and even knows that other-selves are the Creator whether it sees those other-selves as extensions of itself or not. The only difference is that they use this truth and twist it to mislead other 3D entities into continuing to believe in separation. So they are the source of the confusion while fully knowing the truth. That is, in fact, how they gain in negative polarity. Their negative polarity increases by a tremendous amount because they are withholding the light from others and choosing to spread darkness or "falsity."