06-12-2015, 03:56 AM
(06-12-2015, 02:44 AM)tamaryn Wrote: For example may we allow ourselves to vividly imagine a torture fantasy. If one were to actually not be afraid of the thought of this and allow oneself to open all of their senses to the exploration of this, I believe we would find ourselves very relieved and the original thought transformed into something understandable and beautiful.
the key to analysis is the understand the symbol.
"There are many fantasies and stray thoughts which may be examined in most of your peoples in this balancing process."
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(06-12-2015, 02:44 AM)tamaryn Wrote: Also, would it be a stretch to try and clear up our definitions of love and wisdom? How do you define love? How do you define wisdom?
love, to me, falls under the umbrella of the most common definitions. That is, unconditional acceptance.
If we want to actually dig deeper, and see what it is on a functional, practical level, I would say that universal love speaks to an attitude that sees all things with an attitude of equality. That is, all things are quite valid and acceptable.
Equality may sound like a fairly easy concept to accept in consciousness. However, in practice, we almost always show a preference one way or another (the approval/disapproval mechanism). Any trace element of either approval/disapproval leads to inequality in dealing with this person or that person; that is, it is not universal, unconditional acceptance.
That is not to say we can't have likes or dislikes, or a preferred way of doing things over others. It's only when approval enters the picture that we start 'taking sides'.
"of fourth ray that universal love freely given is more to be desired than principalities or even the rearrangement of peoples or political structures."
that is, you are no longer interested in trying to change things or people. You change things by the fact of your own radiation of this universal love and acceptance (not judging others for who they are, and any mistakes/choices they might have made).
It's also known by such an individual that any attempt to re-arrange things on a yellow ray level just invites kickback and opposition. That is, it just leads to more fighting.
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(06-12-2015, 02:44 AM)tamaryn Wrote: But to what suffering do we all go through attempting to "polarize" or make our thoughts "correct" ?
if you have truly balanced something in consciousness, you will receive a huge release of tension. That's not something that you can fake to yourself.
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(06-12-2015, 02:44 AM)tamaryn Wrote: Open yourselves to the light in the darkness and the darkness in the light. They are none to fear as they all potentiate in duality the desired transformation of the spirit. What ever way that may be.
I think you're speaking to the Moon card here (the Experience of the Spirit).
the Experience of the Spirit is one that is inherently Confusing. Until we make a conscious and deliberate attempt to formulate an interpretation that is highly polarized (one way or the other), we can't extricate outselves from that Confusion. Here, in the realm of the spirit, things just don't get better with the passage of time. Things stay as they are until they are deliberately re-evaluated. Think of the death of a loved partner for example. That grief will linger until one can somehow make peace with it.
One of my friends is dealing with a breakup, and 4 months later, he's still messed up. He hasn't been able to understand what happened, and what his role/responsibility in how things ended up. That's a grief that takes place in the Experience of the Spirit, and trying to make heads and tails of the sudden departure of love.
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(06-12-2015, 02:44 AM)tamaryn Wrote: For shits and giggles i drew a tarot cart to symbolize this thread:
The Hierophant - Significator of Mind
that card is an interesting one, as it is the one which records the biases relative to polarity.
"The nature of polarity is interesting in that those experiences offered to the Significator as positive frequently become recorded as productive of biases which may be seen to be negative, whereas the fruit of those experiences apparently negative is frequently found to be helpful in the development of the service-to-others bias. As this is perhaps the guiding characteristic of that which the mind processes and records, these symbols of polarity have thusly been placed."
I personally make a distinction in the use of the word 'balancing'. I tend to favor Scott Mandelker's view that balancing is something that happens in the first 3 chakras, and is an activity which leads to the clearing of blockages.
When you are talking about the upper three chakras (green, blue, and indigo), you are getting into the realm of the spirit, and how the mind is interfacting with the spirit complex. There, you are talking more about development, and increasing the conscious ability to do work.
There may be 'balancing' in the sense of relative strength of green to blue (the ratio), but the actual internal aspects have less to do with 'balancing' as such.
again, it's what you choose to pay attention to. A postive entity is working towards an even spread across the whole spectrum, for overall 'balance':
"We have, many times now, spoken about the relative importance of balancing as opposed to the relative unimportance of maximal activation of each energy center. The reason is as you have correctly surmised. Thusly the entity is concerned, if it be upon the path of positive harvestability, with the regularizing of the various energies of experience. Thus the most fragile entity may be more balanced than one with extreme energy and activity in service to others due to the fastidiousness with which the will is focused upon the use of experience in knowing the self."
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if I am reading your overall post correctly, I am discerning that you are dealing more with overall yellow ray issues, than love/wisdom balances.
The use of the terms "forced" and "repression" very much play into our relationships with other selves, and the 'freedom of action' that we find ourselves gifted with.