06-11-2015, 11:24 AM
This is the main sticking point for many spiritualist and new agers me thinks. Knowledge is knowing all, wisdom if being/doing all.
All that arm chair spiritualism is for naught if you aren't applying it in the "real world" . Sure Ra says work upon the self is one of the highest services towards the Creator but there comes a time where one hears the higher calling to go out into the wild and experience it to its fullest while being of service to other selves in any way that one can. The trick to to find your niche. Your angle that allows other selves to see that the world is actually a bit different than they perceive it to be. A little more positive and hopeful. A world where they can shine just as much as they see in you.
All that arm chair spiritualism is for naught if you aren't applying it in the "real world" . Sure Ra says work upon the self is one of the highest services towards the Creator but there comes a time where one hears the higher calling to go out into the wild and experience it to its fullest while being of service to other selves in any way that one can. The trick to to find your niche. Your angle that allows other selves to see that the world is actually a bit different than they perceive it to be. A little more positive and hopeful. A world where they can shine just as much as they see in you.