(06-05-2015, 08:23 PM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote: How can we feel/see our distortions in order to balance them, to move closer into the Light? I take it our distortions make it burn if we get too close to the Light. I've used meditation, but I don't see the distortions easily.
That is something I am trying to understand, I'd say the first step is to learn to know yourself. I live experiences and try to distill the love/light from them, often they serve to understand other-selves just as much as self. If you don't understand why you'd act yourself under given circumstances, you can't expect to understand others who act similary without having lived their circumstances.
The more you work on certain distortions, the more you can get to work on other distortions. When there will be none left, your awareness will be One with the All in perfect Unity. What I'm learning to perceive is my unconscious resistance to the work that needs to be done, which is not easy in itself.
You need to dig your own shadow self, which you unconsciously place behind the veil or behind a psychic filter if you will.