06-03-2015, 12:34 PM
(06-03-2015, 11:53 AM)Berilac Sandydowns Wrote: Thanks Monica. Our thoughts on this align very closely I believe.
I read the first and last pages of that thread and skimmed some in between. It covers the subject thoroughly. It's rather extensive and wide-ranging.
Maybe a little too much for people who are looking for very focused information on the subject Zachary brings up here.
If one conducts a search here for "guns", titles only, there is one return. This thread.
If one searches "survival", titles only, there is one return. Which is where I found the quote posted in #34 above.
I frequent a number of sites that delve into these topics and have no wish to discuss the technical aspects of them here.
However, times being what they are, I believe more and more people will be looking for some kind of guidance on this "issue" in the weeks and months ahead.
Perhaps a one-stop, on-topic, documented, simplified and minimally verbose thread is appropriate.
People can choose as to whether they want to explore related discussions or not. It may seem straightforward, but once we get into analyzing from a Law of One perspective, not everyone is in agreement...so it's not quite so straightforward after all.
I do know of at least 1 other thread about guns, but I don't remember what it's called. It's in the Current Events...Politics sub-forum, I think. On that thread, there was a lot of disagreement about even having guns at all, even for self-defense, as well as disagreement about gun control. I remember some people were incredulous that anyone could even consider having a gun for self-defense! ...as though it were as bad as initiating violence...while others said it was fear-based to even consider such a thing.
Then, on the thread I linked above, another person said self-defense was STS...
There definitely isn't a consensus about this issue.
It's a deep topic worthy of discussion, especially in light of the times we live in.