(08-16-2010, 10:08 PM)βαθμιαίος Wrote: Could you elaborate on why you associate standing with male energy and sitting with female? That might help me "get it."
It relates to the "mover/moved" discussion. The nature of female energy is to be passive and waiting, that of male to be active and reaching. For what it's worth, it seems to me the female is the "mover", the male is the "moved". This may be the opposite of other people's perceptions.
Law of One, Book IV, Session92 Wrote:Ra:...In a more general sense, that which reaches may be seen as a male principle. That which awaits the reaching may be seen as a female principle. The richness of the male and female system of polarity is interesting and we would not comment further but suggest consideration by the student.
(08-16-2010, 10:08 PM)βαθμιαίος Wrote: I think of sitting as the more powerful position. The king sits while his courtiers stand. Any other resonances come to mind?
This is, I think, a very perceptive observation, and follows also the mover/moved and male/female discussion earlier. Who is in the more powerful position, the mover or the moved? Who has more "power" in a relationship, the pursuer or the pursued?
(08-16-2010, 10:08 PM)βαθμιαίος Wrote: Very interesting. I guess I've been doing the same thing. Can we take it further and start with the Great Way? Ra says that "[t]he Great Way of Mind, Body, or Spirit is intended to limn the milieu within which the work of mind, body, or spirit shall be placed." Does that mean it provides the overview and then we can work backwards from there?
An interesting question, perhaps yes... I only came away from my dream with the sense of how the Experience flowed down to the Matrix. It didn't occur to me to look further to the Significator until you asked your questions. Although I have read Ra's discussion of the Transformation and the Great Way, I have not studied them nearly as much introspectively as I have the first five.
That said, let's try it. I'm going to free associate some ideas that occur to me as I try to work this through. Much of it may, as Ra says "Make little of sense."
Following the earlier line of thinking then, it would seem to me that the Great Way is moving through the garden of available environments for experience and picking those that may be "fruitful" for further evolution of the m/b/s complex.
Once chosen, though how are these environments used to transform the mind? Notice that here Ra speaks of the immobility of both the male and females of Arcanum VI. Also note that all are standing (male -> moved), but are apparently awaiting an external mover for the proper two of them to begin their "dance".
This implies to me some association between the Transformation of the mind and the Fool, for are not both dealing with a similar choice? Is it perhaps an interaction with the Fool as mover that causes the action by the Transformation? But alas, the Fool seems abounding with male energy, rather than female. So what is it that "moves" the male in the Transformation?
I'm enjoying this discussion.
Love and Light,
3D Sunset