06-02-2015, 12:50 PM
(06-02-2015, 07:51 AM)Monica Wrote: Is it easier to grasp? Or does it just seem that way?
Has the Tarot Fool already learned everything, or has he learned nothing? He is before even the beginning of the octave, even before the path itself. And yet he is the most evolved of all the archetypes. He comes full circle. And yet, he must still traverse the tree of life. And in so doing, he encounters polarity.
Does the Fool really understand polarity before traversing the path? Or does he just think he does? It is easy for the Fool to say "I am the Master" and yet he is named The Fool.
It is easy to say "I have no need to traverse the path, because I am already there" and yet one finds oneself on the path just the same.
It is easy to say "I have no need of polarity because I am beyond all that" just as it is easy to say "I already learned all that because I am a Wanderer" but who among us really knows for sure from whence we wander, or whether we wander at all? Is it not rather sexy to assume one is a Wanderer and somehow beyond all that juvenile polarity stuff?
Oneness is a sexier concept than polarity. Polarity is gritty and requires work. Far simpler to just float on the winds of time with no regard for anything, because, after all, it's all One and there is no right or wrong and nothing matters anyway, and besides, we're just visiting this planet and are much more highly evolved, so who wants to get their hands dirty and risk getting stuck in the muck, right?
We needn't understand polarity at all. If anything, thinking that we understand it is likely to get in the way of polarizing.
Then again, so does thinking we understand Oneness, at the exclusion of polarity, when polarity is actually part of Oneness.
I do feel like the Fool when I contemplate polarity, so I do very much think that it is an apt card for "The Choice" card.
And to be very honest, I realize that I don't really know if I'm a wanderer or not. I would actually prefer to not be a wanderer. I feel like I've thought about myself as a wanderer too much. It's time for a change.
I also have realized with this thread that the key to Oneness is polarity. More specifically, at least in my mind, the polarity of the positive path. If you're a traveler on the positive path, the journey is a lot more difficult if you can't see the oneness of yourself in others.