(05-25-2015, 11:12 AM)earth_spirit Wrote:(05-25-2015, 11:01 AM)Minyatur Wrote: All of this was what the Earth children wanted as their experience, all of this is what you wanted as your experience.
You can blame others as much as you want, they're just you doing other things than you currently are aware of.
If the confedaration can't perceive that they are creating themselves this enemy they are fighting by their needs for their own growth, they are fools.
Your statement about "Earth children" makes sense, but how could the Confederation "create" this enemy? I don't think Confederation depends on the existence of the Orion group for their own growth. And neither does the Orion group depends on the existence of Confederation to pursue the negative path.
That's just my uneducated opinion though.
Oh they sure do, this Octave is one of polarity. It'd be hard to reconciliate polarities in awareness to rejoin Unity without something of our "level" to work against and which is working against us.
They are like mirrors unto what each side accepts not into the other. Both originate only to perceive the other from their standpoint.
This Universe as a whole is like One social memory complex existing within a Logos which sub-divided itself to explore the duality of polarisation.
The end of the line, is awareness that you were acting both sides simultaneously. You've always been all your friends and you've always been all your enemies. All of it was to reach this end. Our Logos is kind of creating puzzles and paradoxes through exploring polarity only to solve them.