03-19-2009, 03:54 PM
Good Greetings Addax:
I too struggled with profound lonliness. The beginning of a new way of being is marked by this... I found solace in joining with likeminded groups of which I had to travel great distances to enjoy but found it worth my effort...
Some places to consider are a
UU church (Unitarian Universalist tend to be seekers... seeking truth and knowledge and learning to apply as wisdom.. each church varies dependent on its memebers)
A sweat lodge community... check a local metaphysical paper in your area or do a search on line
An Angel light circle or other energy working circle
These are some thoughts that come to my mind... these types of groups lead to new and perhaps better connections with people who are growing in awareness... It is a process of getting to know yourself and reflecting beauty to others and recieving beauty back...
I also embarked on a journey within to really learn the language of mySelf... Once I became proficient in knowing thyself I was able to open with prayer to willingly accept a love mate... to surrender to Love. This love mate literally just showed up and I knew immediately that this was right for me... We recognized each other... This is something that must be done with clarity and openness... without self-deception hence the long process of extinguishing illusions and learning the Laws of the universe...I can say without doubt that I am happy to share my process with you so perhaps that you will choose to embark on a glorious journey of discovering yourSelf and not become bogged down in feeling low because you are alone... I missed so many opportunities by following "relationship" that I knew was not right for me because I was simply not ready... Journey forth into the world... experience life with openess and joy and you will meet others who are like minded and joyous to share moments with you just by you living your life to the fullest... If there is something you wish to do (as long as it does not hurt anyone else) than do it... Go on that trip, embark on that voyage, take that class, go to that movie, see that play, listen to that live concert, go to that park, take that hike, join that adventure club, volunteer at that place that needs your assistance, smile at that person on the street, talk to that fellow human while waiting in line... be that friend that you wished you had to another and you will find that life is no longer lonely but full of experience... full of beauty... full of joy...
I too struggled with profound lonliness. The beginning of a new way of being is marked by this... I found solace in joining with likeminded groups of which I had to travel great distances to enjoy but found it worth my effort...
Some places to consider are a
UU church (Unitarian Universalist tend to be seekers... seeking truth and knowledge and learning to apply as wisdom.. each church varies dependent on its memebers)
A sweat lodge community... check a local metaphysical paper in your area or do a search on line
An Angel light circle or other energy working circle
These are some thoughts that come to my mind... these types of groups lead to new and perhaps better connections with people who are growing in awareness... It is a process of getting to know yourself and reflecting beauty to others and recieving beauty back...
I also embarked on a journey within to really learn the language of mySelf... Once I became proficient in knowing thyself I was able to open with prayer to willingly accept a love mate... to surrender to Love. This love mate literally just showed up and I knew immediately that this was right for me... We recognized each other... This is something that must be done with clarity and openness... without self-deception hence the long process of extinguishing illusions and learning the Laws of the universe...I can say without doubt that I am happy to share my process with you so perhaps that you will choose to embark on a glorious journey of discovering yourSelf and not become bogged down in feeling low because you are alone... I missed so many opportunities by following "relationship" that I knew was not right for me because I was simply not ready... Journey forth into the world... experience life with openess and joy and you will meet others who are like minded and joyous to share moments with you just by you living your life to the fullest... If there is something you wish to do (as long as it does not hurt anyone else) than do it... Go on that trip, embark on that voyage, take that class, go to that movie, see that play, listen to that live concert, go to that park, take that hike, join that adventure club, volunteer at that place that needs your assistance, smile at that person on the street, talk to that fellow human while waiting in line... be that friend that you wished you had to another and you will find that life is no longer lonely but full of experience... full of beauty... full of joy...