(05-21-2015, 08:19 AM)Minyatur Wrote: You could inverse things also. STO entities do have a desire for control in disminishing the work that is done by STS entities. They're not letting things happen either, they're equally playing the tug-of-war polarity game.
So yes, the STO entity has a desire to control things such that there is less control.. Is that "control" though?
What it really boils down to is this.. I'm an entity who prefers a happier world with much more free will for mankind (not just an elite), and I'd like to see our ecosystems and Mother Earth thrive. I work toward this and I believe that an elite does not have the birthright to enslave mankind as they have done for thousands of years. I reject the "service" of said elite who wish to perpetuate the enslavement of man and destroy Mother Earth. And this is perfectly fine, since all is well and all is one.
If you accept the "service" of said elite, you accept enslavement. The elite maybe will allow you to have a little fun as long as you do it under their rules, but that's up to them.. You also accept that as a result of your enslavement that you allow said elite to do whatever they want with Mother Earth and it's ecosystems. And this is perfectly fine, since all is well and all is one.
I closely watch the STO/STS interplay because I have a strong preference towards the first option..