(05-20-2015, 12:13 AM)VanAlioSaldo Wrote: I'll ask once, not even nicely because I should not have to.
Please don't make judgmental assumptions of my issues based on your own.
I apologize...but now it's like you think I wrote something like, 'you think all women that dress scantily do it bc they're brainwashed.'
I didn't write that. I wrote, 'It's like you think that...' meaning that's how you're coming across to me.
I was just trying to help you not be so frustrated with yourself...Basically just saying, 'Don't be frustrated...bc you could be perceiving things incorrectly.'
I told you that you could be attracted to the girls that are 8ish simply bc of pheromones. & that they could be (unconsciously) dressing the way they are simply bc they're ovulating/fertile...I said the root of the problem could be that they all just want to be free & be able to go naked if they want bc less clothes = more natural...& after all that you're still like, "Just provide them the other perspective of you don't need those clothes to be attractive to another person. If we could just teach that I'd be satisfied to know they had another option and chose, rather than finding themselves falling into conformity without a choice in their mind."
I think it's humorous that you want them to be taught that they don't need those certain clothes to be attractive & yet in your OP you admit that it's when they wear certain clothes that they are attractive to you.