(05-15-2015, 06:09 PM)VanAlioSald Wrote: Infinity is in itself both potentiated and activated. It is itself Energy.
To be both active/kinetic and resting/potential would be a paradox, wouldn't you say? It is true, however, that Infinity has a potential and a kinetic phase. The potential is, for lack of better terms, Infinity at rest—the uncreated or unpotentiated Creator, if you will. It is as it is. Again, if you may forgive the misnomer, it is without (i.e. not having) time or any sense of continuity which would involve some measurement of change. It is simply Infinity.
The active or kinetic phase is Infinity at work, in action, which is that creative focus known as Love or Thought, being the potentiated (by Free-Will) Creator, which by its very vibratory or kinetic nature creates that primal material known as Light.
Quote:We reference Intelligent Energy as potential energy, and Intelligent Infinity as kinetic energy.
We must be careful, my darling, in the words we choose. Energy cannot be potential, as that would be a contradiction and an oxymoron. I am aware the term "energy" is a pretty vogue term nowadays that everybody likes to toss around in both casual and serious conversations alike, yet very few actually understand. The term "energy" comes from the Greek "en" (at, with) + "ergon" (work, activity). Literally: that which is at work, or active. Thus, it cannot be "potential" in the sense of that which is not active or actual—and energy is the epitome of of all activity!
The term "kinetic" also comes from the Greek "kinetikos," which literally means "moving," in the sense of "that which has been put in motion." Therefore, to say "kinetic energy" is as redundant and contradictory as saying something like "downward descent"—can any descent occur in any other direction than downwards? Likewise, can energy (that which is at work, active) be any less than moving (kinetic)? Activity, by its very nature, implies motion. Hence: energy = kinetic.
Etymology 101.
That is why: motion, vibration, kinetic, energy, activity, work and creativity are all apparently (ie. not really) different ways of describing the exact same principle: Love—the prime-mover, the animating principle, the life-force of Creation.
Quote:Though I think much more speculation on what exactly Free Will is may be needed.
On the contrary, I would suggest it is quite, quite simple: every action, creation, motion, vibration is preceded by an impulse, intention or initial desire. That impulse is Will-Power. It is what causes Infinity to go from potential/rest to active/kinetic—for (Free)Will tapping into potential Infinity will yield work or energy. In other words, (Free)Will is the initiator, the catalyst, that which puts everything into motion, so to speak. This motion, energy or vibration, of course, being that kinetic focus of creative activity known as Love or the Original Thought of Creation.
However, Infinity does not cease being infinite potential (infinitely at rest, infinitely changeless) by entering into an active/kinetic phase (motion, vibration, creativity). Infinity at rest (potential) is simply the background upon which the kinetic plays, so to speak.
There isn't just one Original Thought/Love or particular focus of creative exploration after all. These creative foci or vortices or Logoi are infinite in number, yet they all emerge from and coalesce back into unpotentiated (resting) Infinity, which is never-changing, and forever "awaiting" self-potentiation by Its own (Free)Will.
For as long as we are using this lingual/verbal means of (mis)communication, there are bound to be misunderstandings. This is inevitable. I am merely attempting to convey these principles as simply and clearly as possible, this is why I endeavour to stick to etymological definitions (which would leave little to no room for semantic misunderstandings/disagreements).