(05-10-2015, 05:23 PM)Stranger Wrote:(05-09-2015, 10:24 PM)Minyatur Wrote: But STO is not that light, love and unity. It is only a polarity of it which rejects it's counterpart thus bringing the illusion of non-unity. Well in a two-way sense where the STS path does the exact same in a different manner.
Minyatur, I was intrigued by the question you raised, and asked for guidance and clarification from my higher sources. They explained to me that STO and STS entities are exactly the same in every regard, with one exception. They are the same One Consciousness (of course). Their bodies and personalities are constructed out of the same light. The only difference is this: the Creator showers all of his creation in love (i.e., "the sun shines on the just and unjust alike"); this is in fact the same love that we feel for the Creator and each other, what we call love, and express to varying degrees. STO entities seek to emulate the Creator's unconditional love for all; but STS entities choose not to express (radiate) that love to the Creator or other entities. That is the only difference between STS and STO.
Therefore, the same love that we feel right now, that the Creator feels toward us, long predated the STO/STS division.
I would not say STS choose not to express that love. They live it in a different manner because of the circumstances they went through. Take any STO entity, put it in the line of experiences of a STS entity and you get the very same STS entity. So the choice was only the first distortion of free will to exist within a path of experiences.
To me both path are very conditional and work only for what is alike them. You don't see STO social memory complexes trying to polarize a planet in a STS manner so that STS entities can have a home of their own. STS entities do that for themselves just as STO do the same for themselves. Both path are actually about control in some way, trying to polarize reality alike themselves.
Above these two paths is what supports both ways of being. i.e. the Earth as a Logos is not trying to be a STO world and neither a STS world. It is just being a world and it lets lesser entities play their tug of war polarity game as the entities within the Earth once did before. As such neither path are wrong, they are simply working for a different set of entities to support until they transcend their own subjective ways to support the All in an uncondtionnal manner having no intentions for themselves. If the Earth has to provide an earthquake, it will. Ra for exemple would probably be unable to assume this role as he is now.