(05-10-2015, 01:26 PM)4Dsunrise Wrote: I. Describe in the form of a definition.
Define 'law' or 'way' as it is used here. Is it a decree or governmental dictate? Or is it more like a discovered physical law ie the law of gravity which is considered a 'persistent regularity'. There is a need to disambiguate and clarify this notion of 'law'.
Finish this statement 'The term law in the LOO denotes...and connotes...'
Define 'one' as it is used here.
Define in terms of both its qualitative and quantitative referents.
How do the qualitative and quantitative referents combine to form a consistent and coherent definition?
Finish this statement 'The term one in the LOO denotes...and connotes...'
Finish this statement 'The LOO is the law that states....and from this it implies...'
The term law in the LOO denotes that it cannot be violated. This law that all is One is ever present and is presented as a law that stands above all sub-laws or distortions. It is like the laws of physics but yet higher than the laws of physics as these sub-laws could be different whereas the Law of One could not be any different in any octave or density. All things are always working as One even in separateness because everything that seems not under this law is but a paradoxal illusion that exists only in limited awareness of the whole.
The term one in the LOO denotes that all things are ever One and are always working as One. All things emerge from the same source or essence and work through many paths toward the One same thing. Even that which seem to be working against each other is in fact working together as the One. It connotes that there is never disharmony and that unity is ever present always. That even if we are systems within systems, there is ultimately One sytem englobing all and that this system is the source of all sub-systems.
Quote:II. Describe the key principles that the Law of One is based on.
From what primitive concepts are the LOO derived from?
How are these primitive concepts combined to create the LOO?
How are the terms 'absolute' and 'relative' used if they are applicable?
From my perspective, the LOO is based upon these principles : The systemic approach, the nature of reality, religion and evolution.
The systemic approach is to understand the nature of order which is composed of systems within systems. The highest system is Infinity without which there could be no sub-systems. The nature of reality is indirectly explained in the LOO through the role of consciousness in existence, it goes with quantum mechanics about the role of the observer in what generates reality. It is that this Universe could be any other way yet is generated by what resides within it to exist as it does. That is why the first distortion is Free Will, everything is a consequence of only Free Will. Religion is about higher form of consciousness and ultimately the question of what is the source of all things. Evolution is about what we are doing or moving foward through all that was mentionned before.
If you combine all of the above, you have an Infinity which is ever evolving within Itself and that is the source of Itself.
The only thing that is absolute is existence of this One Infinity. Everything within it is realtive yet absolute from the relative point of view. Emotions are a good exemple of something relative which at the same time is also absolute. These terms are two faces of the same coin because time is what make things relative yet in the present when they are lived, everything also is absolute.
Quote:III. Describe the clauses and/or corollaries to the Law of One.
Are there sub-sections derived from the LOO in the form of clauses?
If so what are they? An all-encompassing 'decreed law' would have clauses to address all specific circumstances and conditions. Law of Love? Law of Confusion? How are they derived as clauses?
Finish this statement 'The Law of Love is a clause derived from the LOO based on...'
Are there inferences or practical consequences to the LOO in the form of corollaries? If not a 'decreed law' then an all-encompassing 'natural law' would have corollaries that logically and naturally follow from the law to explain specific circumstances and conditions. Law of Love? Law of Confusion? How are they derived as corollaries?
Finish this statement 'The Law of Love is a corollary derived from the LOO based on...'
Finish this statement 'Intelligent Infinity is a condition or corollary derived from the LOO based on...'
Finish this statement 'The octaves and densities are conditions or corollaries derived from the LOO based on...'
The Law of Love is a corollary derived from the LOO based on what was observed and experienced. It was known that all things in this Octave do come to grow toward Love whatever the path that is taken or the time that it takes. This Love would be above the sub-love of self and other-selves present in the duality that is present in this Octave. Both are conditionnal love that grows in their own way toward Unconditional Love. The highest Love is that which let others be in an unconditional manner. To become a Logos or higher Logos, one needs to transcend individual love toward universal unconditional Love. It is the Love that makes no distinction between a STO entity and a STS entity whereas both entities would give more value to their kind of love than the other.
Intelligent Infinity is a condition of the LOO based on that there could be no things without an Intelligent Infinity.
Quote:IV. Compare the LOO to other Oneness philosophies.
Does the LOO assert the existence of one fundamental substance as does Substance Monism? If so what is this substance? Is it physical or metaphysical? What are its qualitative and quantitative properties? If not so, what does LOO assert to be fundamental?
Is the LOO, as it is defined, basically the same as Non-Duality which asserts no division and the Absolute? If so, are the clauses and/or corollaries of Non-Duality derived in a similar manner?
What type of theism is the LOO Creator based on? Pantheism, pandeism, monotheism? What are the specific characteristics of the LOO's OIC? Is the OIC an omni-God?
About the substance I don't remember if it is explained in the Ra material so I'll give my personnal opinion. There is a single wave and this wave has infinite states.
The corolarries of Non-Duality is everything in existence or every paradoxal duality. As there can be no paradoxes, through solving them there can exist only Non-Duality.
The LOO Creator is based on pantheism, that the Creator is all things without exception in every single moment.
My answers are based upon my perspective of the LOO. Feel free to debate things I've said or have me go deeper in my thinking.