(05-09-2015, 06:57 AM)Matt1 Wrote: I think the main difference here is from focusing on something and rejecting something because its considered negative. If we want to be happy sure we can tune into the happy station but to do without listening to our own negative station is to put our heads into ignorance. Likewise you can listen to the negative station in a balanced and even loving way, allowing one to see the full expression of the individual psyche.
By consciously looking at our own shadow self and the collective shadow of the planet, we are in fact healing it with a loving thought. The real negativity is the rejection of catalyst which isn't helpful for polarization.
Matt, I actually don't think we're disagreeing here. I may be able to add some clarity to my original statement. In my experience, the process of spiritual growth (polarization, what have you) consists of two steps: 1) reaching progressively higher states of spiritual purity, 2) learning to maintain those states in the face of catalyst.
Step 1 is achieved by meditation, loving thoughts, fasting, chanting, perceiving oneness with the Creator, and so forth. It is experienced as joyfulness, happiness, warm tingles. Reaching ever closer toward the absolute bliss and peace of the Creator.
Step 2 is where the gains become permanent. Everyone can be a saint on the mountaintop, but it's much harder to be a saint in the marketplace, as they say. By facing difficult situations, annoyances, setbacks, etc. (i.e., catalyst) with love and acceptance, we incrementally change our personality patterns; our new baseline of being becomes a higher spiritual plateau than before.
Then, the cycle repeats as we reach yet higher, yet again. But the ultimate goal is still the same: to reach a higher state of being and be able to stay there. A spiritual king-of-the-hill against catalyst, and our own old habits of being.
Now, if one is constantly being exposed to the news, violent movies, stories of serial killers, conspiracy theories, step 1 becomes much more difficult. Like it or not, until we're absolute saints, negative inputs will trigger an automatic emotional reaction; and a reaction other than love and acceptance will drag us down. Or, at the very least, distract us from our own, personal spiritual challenges. There is a reason why spiritual people throughout the ages have sought peace - outside of cities, as Ra says; in monasteries or secluded places; in nature; surrounded by peace. Not making an effort to purify one's surroundings, consuming a steady diet of negative input is a lot like constantly drilling small holes in your own boat while you're out on the lake.
I find that the Creator provides us with appropriate catalyst in doses that are useful for stimulating growth, rather than dragging us down into the muck. To me it's amazing how much useful catalyst can come from simple interpersonal interactions, and how much growth can result from working to perfect and polish those. Personally, I find no benefit in watching the evening news. But when I do come across it, I generally find myself pleased that I am able to respond with compassion for all involved and (mostly) maintain my peace. If I'd been watching it all along, I don't think I ever would have got to this point.
The point is, our own lives already have challenges aplenty -- ones that are specifically designed for our use and benefit. There is no purpose in either distracting ourselves from these, or heaping up other people's catalyst onto our own plates.