05-08-2015, 03:52 PM
I have both killed and been killed in such situations.
I was reading in a book how Hitler was a manifestation of the Creator's denial of guilt and that gave me an idea that many of these kinds of individuals seem to actually be manifestations of energies which have become so heavily suppressed and distorted that they became antithetical to the intentions of the Logos whom has a leaning towards compassion.
This makes me think that maybe in the mind of the Logos when the saga of polarity began it began to perceive its 'negative side' and became either frightened or intimidated and attempted to repress these thoughts in its Galactic Mind. These thoughts then over time had to manifest and have done so through the emergence of the negative polarity. Thus, it seems that the work is for the Galactic Logos to face and embrace this negative side of itself which is capable of cruelty, anger, hatred and destruction. It is doing so through the manifestation of sub-Logoi which express these energies, ergo, planets, stars and creatures.
However, that being said, that makes me consider that the Galactic Logos itself is actually what experiences the shift in Octave. It is the Logos that is experiencing going through the Octave experience. Thus, this whole mechanism is a creation designed to create the necessary vibration through the interplay of potential and kinetic energies to thus raise the entire galaxy to the next Octave level of vibration.
Thus, while it is important to focus on our own path or our own polarity, I believe the ultimate goal is to be able to embrace the existence of both simultaneously. Then the difference is released, polarity is released, and there is left only identity.
I was reading in a book how Hitler was a manifestation of the Creator's denial of guilt and that gave me an idea that many of these kinds of individuals seem to actually be manifestations of energies which have become so heavily suppressed and distorted that they became antithetical to the intentions of the Logos whom has a leaning towards compassion.
This makes me think that maybe in the mind of the Logos when the saga of polarity began it began to perceive its 'negative side' and became either frightened or intimidated and attempted to repress these thoughts in its Galactic Mind. These thoughts then over time had to manifest and have done so through the emergence of the negative polarity. Thus, it seems that the work is for the Galactic Logos to face and embrace this negative side of itself which is capable of cruelty, anger, hatred and destruction. It is doing so through the manifestation of sub-Logoi which express these energies, ergo, planets, stars and creatures.
However, that being said, that makes me consider that the Galactic Logos itself is actually what experiences the shift in Octave. It is the Logos that is experiencing going through the Octave experience. Thus, this whole mechanism is a creation designed to create the necessary vibration through the interplay of potential and kinetic energies to thus raise the entire galaxy to the next Octave level of vibration.
Thus, while it is important to focus on our own path or our own polarity, I believe the ultimate goal is to be able to embrace the existence of both simultaneously. Then the difference is released, polarity is released, and there is left only identity.