04-29-2015, 03:11 PM
(04-29-2015, 02:55 AM)Steampunkish Wrote: What did you just said again ? OK mate let's say that you're a wanderer of the Ra group wouldn't you be more intelligent than the average person ? A sixth density wanderer of that caliber should at least show some higher intelligence in the writing and possibly have a very complex vocabulary which i don't see you doing in the moment.Furthermore,you wouldn't be working on that graveyard job at 22 you should be at uni or in College doing your PHD or a degree and getting a proper job but judging by that type of job that claim makes it even less so.
Hello Dear Steampunkish,
I would like to offer You a feedback.
I’ve underlined mentioned by You assumption regarding “A 6th Density Wanderer” and I’ve bolded all characteristics/qualities/attributes that You are projecting on that assumption (6th density Wanderer him-Self).
This is very important to see. It took me years to realize, that there’s no “objective” evaluation of a Beings – there are “only” Perspectives in perception/assigning value.
You for example took directly from so called “western civilization” residing on this Planet, in Our Star System*, a culturally established hierarchy of what We understand as “Success”. You also assigned to a 6th density Wanderer quite specific skills (writing for example).
All this You’ve compared to content of a post, in which Joe presented Him-Self to Us on this Forum.
I think that true realization of the fact, that We are Projecting Our build/created ‘representations of” on Other-Selves and an Entire Creation is a Profound step in Work Seekers are seeking (playful language). And beyond that – the intensity/passion with which We’re projecting, “seeing” what We are more or less consciously seeking in Other-Selves/Creation – this intensity, propelled by Passion of a Soul to Experience Self in this dimension of Beingness, as three dimensional Creature – it Creates in fact Our Existences. Right here, right now. Based on Our interpretations/understanding of data We are able to collect/perceive and further to process/comprehend, We are making Choices/Decisions and those possess consequences in this physical reality, ruled by law of causality and dualism.
What I think is valid without any doubt, is that Your Experiences makes You doubt in Joe ‘s belief/intuitive Knowledge/”hope-content”.
* - and so on – Star System moving through what We understand as “Space and Time”, rotating what We understand as “Black Hole” in what We understand as “Universe”, which We perceive as a “void with “celestial bodies” in it”, that as far as We know/are able to determine – is expanding with speed greater that speed of light. It think it is good/proper to recall all this sometimes, when We are caught up with Our problems/difficulties, but also when experiencing top moments/fulfillment as well as when We are thinking, that We actually “know for sure” something.
What for? To obtain wider/richer/deeper perspective of understanding/experiencing Self and Self in Creation.
Best I can describe it while not worrying of being understood is:
We are experiencing objectified materialization of subjective understanding of Self, Other-Selves, Creation as well as all understanding/perception of relations between all those.
I wonder sometimes. I am a non-material Being that currently is experiencing Him-Self in this three-dimensional, physical reality. I guess I have been for some time and as unfortunate it might be, I most likely will continue this “Soul activity” for some “time”.
But I do wonder, how it will be, when I’m done with physical reality and I will experiencing my Self learning/growing/expanding/loving on exclusively non-material level/in such fashion – would I miss this experience? I’m looking at my hand – do that with me, please – look at your hand, let your fingers touch themselves, feel them, feel what kind of sensation it is, focus on what kind of feelings it creates within You – at it does, even if You don’t notice/perceiving Them momentarily. This is your experience in what We understand as NOW.
This moment, every and each moment, when You feel, think, experiencing all and every sensation – all this is an Experience that will be at some point beyond Us. Let’s cherish it. Let’s give it a proper attention and appreciation. I mean this is the Point of all this, isn’t it?
All I have Best in me for You