08-06-2010, 09:50 AM
(07-29-2010, 12:39 PM)Lavazza Wrote: Indeed! But I think you mis-read me here. What I intended to query was more on the lines of putting together the idea that the universe is mostly (99%) composed of matter that is invisible to us (which we presume to be higher density matter, be they planets, M/B/S complexes, or et cetera AND the notion that we actually have, according to Ra, an example of a higher density celestial body in our own solar system, that being Venus.
Ra suggests that Venus is presently at the 5th/6th density level. If this is so and we maintain that all densities are currently co-existing in our same s/t universe, then it sort of tosses out the idea stated above, that higher density planets (at least) are dark matter in nature. Rather, it seems to suggest that the planet we observe now is 5th/6th density, but since one of the characteristics of a 5th or 6th density entity is non-physicality, the 700 degree Fahrenheit surface temperatures would not be problematic. Or perhaps I am understanding this all wrong? (not only possible, but probable my friends...)
Hi Lavazza,
I am glad that the move went well, and that you are back "on-line" as it were.
In regards your question, forgive me for missing the gist of it before. It seems to me that there are multiple layers to your question. For example the following questions come to mind: If Venus is in 5/6 D then why is it visible to us? Would there be some aspect of physicality that is "different" to us about Venus since it does not have it's 3D body active? Is there "invisible" matter/energy associated with Venus that may be part of what scientists would call "dark matter" and "dark energy"?
To my knowledge, neither Ra nor Q'uo have adequately addressed these topics, so with the caveat that we are on thin ice, as it were, I will give you my understanding/intuition of the answers. In the process, we will either firm up my understanding, or prove how weak it is if we fall through.
- If Venus is in 5/6 D then why is it visible to us? I believe this is due to the ability for planets to have multiple bodies activated at the same time. In this case, Venus has both its 1D, 5D and 6D bodies activated. Since neither its 2D or 3D bodies are active, then we would find no active signs of life on it if we were to explore it.
- Would there be some aspect of physicality that is "different" to us about Venus since it does not have it's 3D body active? This is a very interesting question to me, that has repercussions on our ability to successfully explore space. For example, if we are dependent upon Earth's 3D body to exist, then is space travel actually possible? It seems to me that when we explore space, what we are actually exploring are the 1D, 2D, and 3D activated portions of the universe. We are dependent upon Earth's 3D body to sustain us, but I believe that this sustenance is accomplished through t/s interactions between the sun, Earth, and each of us, and so we need not be physically present on Earth in order to perform 3D work and receive Earth's 3D light (there is much more that could be said about this as well). If we were to explore Venus for example, it would be just as physical to us as our moon, since when we explore each, we are exploring their 1D manifestations.
- Is there "invisible" matter/energy associated with Venus that may be part of what scientists would call "dark matter" and "dark energy"? By my understanding, yes. But since we are in 3D we would not be able to detect it. This is an interesting aspect of dark matter/energy in cosmology. We cannot detect it, yet we know it exists by the actions of the visible portion of the universe.
Is this a more complete answer to your question, or have I missed the nail's head again?
Love and Light,
3D Sunset