04-17-2015, 07:31 PM
(04-17-2015, 10:01 AM)I_Am_The_One Wrote: Hey That last line sums it all up. I believe alot of the predator against prey "mentality" is a product of what we do to the environment. I want to stay on topic, but I feel I must provide information. Alot of the meat products, humans eat, are intentionally filled with fear, hatred, and other lower vibrations. You say how? Well these animals, cows for example, are tortured and mistreated on purpose. Then humans consume these meats, containing these vibrations.
Exactly! So the cycle is perpetuated.
We know from the prison experiment that violent criminals are more likely to be repeat offenders if they eat meat, with a drastically lower rate of recurrent violent behavior after going vegan. What does that say?
It says that the consumption of meat is helping to perpetuate the cycle of violence!
We know that negative entities consume fear, hatred, and other lower vibrations. It is their food.
Billions of sentient beings live in a constant state of fear, grief and stress. The meat/dairy industry is literally feeding STS beings!
(04-17-2015, 10:01 AM)I_Am_The_One Wrote: Returning to the subject matter, I would agree entirely, with you stating animals have sentinence, mind my spelling. I would also state, we are all connected. The destruction you witness to Earth, is just as much destruction aimed for you. The hardest part I have is, imagining a world, without meat eaters. Or a system close to this one. I know this doesnt mean it cant exist. Not to be rude, or confronting, I ask in an expansion of awareness. Can you imagine a world with a "perfect" system of no meat eaters, or energy being obtained, through lower density selfs. In 3rd density. I know it can exist, is what im saying, help me see it, is what im asking.
Yes. I can see it happening, because it is already happening, in small pockets of society. When enough people have raised their awareness and chosen nonviolent lifestyles, that higher consciousness will spread through the collective.