04-17-2015, 02:57 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-17-2015, 03:00 PM by APeacefulWarrior.)
(04-17-2015, 02:02 PM)I_Am_The_One Wrote: Definitely agree, would have been great to know more about these anomalies. I mean I can take a stab, but it be way better to know what Ra thought. From his view. I believe a lot of so called anomalies, come in large part, from Orions Sabotaging the vibrations of the planet. Like HARRP, The Poisons they release in the air. Artificial food. Flouride in toothpaste, and drinking water. Pharmecuticals. You name it. We really need to wake up here. Bring the Light forth!
See, I tend to think it's more about the state humanity as a whole is currently at. Although the things you talk about to a certain part stem from it.
I have a feeling that Earth is much more... full of competing vibrational vortices, I guess you could say, than most transitioning worlds. I don't know if Ra addressed this, but I saw an interesting Bashar talk (and I tend to find Bashar trustworthy) where he explicitly said that Earth is fairly unique in how cut off we are from Oneness. According to him, the idea of NOT knowing Oneness and universal love is nearly incomprehensible to a lot of the rest of the (positive) universe.
And when I think about humanity as a whole, it strikes me that we have what may be a truly ludicrous range of beings at different states of mental evolution, all trying to coexist on the same planet. At the lowest end, let's be honest, there are humans who barely even display 3D thinking. They live lives so self-focused and reactive they may well still largely be 2D entities, even if they're existing within a 3D world.
Then there's a whole load of 3D natives, some of whom are just now crossing over into higher 4D thought for the first time. Others are relative newcomers who won't be ready for 4D for some time.
Then you've got the dual-activated types who've got a 4D guide to at least keep them connected to higher ideas. And some tens of thousands of Wanderers attached to 5D and 6D complexes, thrown into the mix. Plus the dedicated negatives/STSes of various densities, who create their own sub-groups since they're intelligently/proactively selfish (in the Objectivist sense), rather than blindly/reactively self-centered like a 2D entity.
What a chaotic mess this must look like from above! At least, that's how I'm seeing it, trying to imagine (remember?) the view.
Trying to get all those different levels of energy to converge on a single "chord" of unified vibrations seems like it would be a Herculean task. I mean, taking a practical real world example: How can we get the Middle East to settle down and implement populist reform and social security and all that other good stuff, when there's psychos like ISIS running around blowing s*** up because they hate the modern world?
That's basically what I suspect Ra largely means about the anomalies, and why the timeframe is so unpredictable. If the (not judging) less-enlightened on the planet really put up a fight, or prove too resistant / blinded to the underlying ideas, they could drag out the ascension for a long time by keeping concentrations of negativity that prevent the higher energies from taking hold.