04-06-2015, 12:51 PM
(04-06-2015, 03:23 AM)anagogy Wrote: Here's an even better question: would they have if Carla had believed those negative aspects of the bible? Or would they have just let it slide, in the name of free will?
I doubt they would have included those aspects, because they were not consonant with the Law of One. Similarly, if eating meat were so negative and wrong (depolarizing), they would have left it out too in their dietary advice, regardless of her nonchalance towards it. As I recall they specifically said, "We do not suggest any hard and fast rulings of diet". That is also why they said, "to the extent necessary for the individual metabolism, the animal products."
I think the main thing to take away from this, is *no one* can unanimously say what another's body requires to function in this physical world, so there is no sense judging others for their diet. Perhaps some peoples bodies *DO* need animal products to function optimally. And that seems to be what Ra is saying -- that everybody is unique.
At least, that is my opinion.
I am not sure what you are trying to say about the bible and Carla. Could you restate?
Everyone is unique, yes. But I can only imagine that those of Ra would not be egocentric as humans are about themselves. Though they honor the importance of free will and choice in this density, Ra would not just consider human life as important. Sure, some people may "feel" they need meat (I don't think this is true for humans, but that's MY opinion), but to have that be the ONLY consideration is typical of humans.
I am beginning to question the efficacy of having this conversation, here. I feel that here for some reason, at B4, there is a particular tenaciousness in the way the idea of eating meat is clung to. Does anyone here REALLY think it's the best choice for humans—especially those who are interested in evolving? If so, why? Would meat be 4D food, for instance? Consider this one point from just the perspective of being a human who consumes food: Meat carries the stress and fear chemicals released when the animal was slaughtered (and the stress chemicals released if the animal lived in bad circumstances). So you literally consume fear and stress.
Sure, in the past, centuries and millennia ago (and in small pockets of indigenous peoples now) hunting animals for food was part of survival. But on an evolutionary scale, humanity was closer to animals then. We were more animal-like—early 3D.