04-04-2015, 10:52 AM
One Again
[To Carla In Love/Light Memory]
[sup]© [/sup]Good Friday, April 3, 2015
By lovecast
[sup]No part of this work may be shared or reproduced in any form without express permission of the author,[/sup]
[sup]unless it is with the express purpose of imparting divine love to others, and not for personal nor material gain of any kind.[/sup]
Our journey's end draws near;
We approach its' “dead-end”, free of fear.
The Light brightens in the West;
With ascending step, we breach its' elusive crest.
Shimmering luster, beams through yond' door;
Revealing The One we have witnessed countless times before.
Vision clear comes to us now, as perseverance grants reward;
Labors rendered, rest now sings in one-heart accord.
Sister – Servant, Mother – Mentor, Faith-heart – Friend;
Speaker of Truth, Arrow of Light, Loving to the end.
What tribute we may offer now, render we all in heart-felt gratitude;
And now, as always, loves' distortion to the “N[sup]th[/sup]” degree in magnitude.
Oh Great ONE, one indulgence grant us, is our plea;
Let one lonely tear fall, in hope to set one more captive free.
Thus, in “merry” parting, already missed, as if too soon;
Yet we too soon shall follow, be it Full … or New Moon.
So still be our “Light” held high, to us guide;
As yet Wanderer-pilgrim we for a season here/now abide.