03-30-2015, 05:57 PM
Folk-love, it's an excellent question. Personally I try to remain mindful of the fact that there is no separation, that the other person is also me, in a different body; therefore it makes no sense to think of myself as "good" and them as "bad." Also, I recall instances where I acted very badly toward others, and that keeps my feelings of superiority in check. I also recognize that the person I'm thinking about is on their cosmic journey toward the only destination there is - absolute perfection and purity; that in the Eternal Now they have already achieved that awe-inspiring perfection, and I'm only seeing a tiny fraction of who they really are. Lastly, I keep in mind that life is challenging for everyone, and everyone does the best that they know how; and I try to find compassion for their struggle (substitute "lesson" if you prefer).