03-30-2015, 01:45 PM
(03-30-2015, 04:26 AM)seven Wrote: Hmm I really like the sound you produce. Space is my favorite - those blips and chirps sounds like they come from a Buchla haha. Very intresting how the track evolves. Keep up the good work.
Thanks! A lot of people seem to really like Space. I like how it makes you think it's only Techno at first, and then like towards the middle it turns into Drum and bass... and then sort of ends with Techno. I think that Space is the first song where I could say I really knew what I was doing with Reaktor. I educated myself with some Youtube videos, and then attempted Space. To make a track with Reaktor that sounds polished takes a little work. You have to know what each element really does.
The two songs before Magnifying glass were done with Mulab. I like Mulab, but it has its limitations (especially the demo version). First of all, to force you to buy the real version they make it so that if you put down more than one track, it makes a hissing sound. At first, I was like, where is that damn sound coming from! And then, I saw on the website where it says that the demo version has that built into it. The other thing I don't like that much about Mulab is that you have to structure your songs with Mulab, and that doesn't really allow you to record anything in real-time. And that's what I like about Newscool in Reaktor. It almost makes you feel more like a DJ than somebody who's taking way too much time trying to put tracks together. The stuff done with Mulab was very minimal because of those enforced limitations. It took way too much time to have to work 50% of your time in Mulab and 50% of your time in Audacity. With Reaktor, I could do 95% of the work in Reaktor (in real-time; I just had to set the template before I started to record and play with it), and then spend 5% of the time just mixing and rendering in Audacity, if that much.
I've been procrastinating for the longest time with another track that I'm doing with another part of Reaktor (not Newscool). The reason I've been procrastinating with it is because I need a good microphone, and I don't really have any microphone. There's also another thing that feels like an obstacle. I hope I can do it eventually.