(03-28-2015, 02:50 PM)ScottK Wrote: Okay, I'll bite. What is this socialism that you talk about?
There's a lot of confusion as to what socialism is. What I've been able to gather about what the essence of socialism is that it is, basically, creating a good or service without expecting anything in return, and consuming a good or service without simply expecting a handout. I'm pretty sure that there's someone out there who's going to disagree, but that is what I've been able to distill from all that I've read. I mentioned that this capitalistic system of expecting something in return is outdated, but, to be honest, I don't think that this world is ready for full-on socialism. I think that we have to do a little at a time. However, it is very obvious to most serious economists that this current economic system that we have, by definition, has to produce a group of people who are disadvantaged. For the rich to be rich (and to continue to be rich), there has to be a poor that are poor. It is also destined to collapse eventually. That's why I think that policy makers should start proactively work on instituting a replacement. One of the signs that this current economic system is destined to collapse is a decline in the middle class. The wealthy have refined their methods to the point that, eventually, everyone is going to be poor. And that is unsustainable, even for them. After they've fleeced the world's population, they have to start acquiring from within themselves.
I actually think that the Ra material fits in nicely in describing this current economic system, with how they describe STS and STO. And make no mistake, there is no way that an STS person on this planet can be a true socialist. That is like the exact opposite of what an STS person would invest their time in. They might make it seem like it's socialism, but they would be most allied with a system that is similar to, or that is, capitalism.
It's also a mistake to think that welfare is socialism. welfare is not a long-term solution the way socialism is. There are some people who have become way too dependent on welfare, in my opinion. I personally believe that welfare is good for someone who is in transition, and is facing a difficult time, for the moment being.
There are many more things that socialism is and isn't, but in my estimation, they are sort of beyond the point.
I haven't seen your video because I've been thinking about what to write all this time.

I also want to say that, for someone to see the value in creating without expecting anything in return is a value system that doesn't happen overnight. It's basically a set of values that whole generations have to be raised in. Those are values that you have to instill within people.
When I say consuming without simply expecting a handout, this is what I mean: A lot of capitalists consume (and even steal) from those who share freely (technology, for example) and don't give back to them. That's why those who share freely have to have another job to fall back on.
I hope this answers your question.