03-28-2015, 05:05 PM
(03-28-2015, 02:50 PM)ScottK Wrote: Okay, I'll bite. What is this socialism that you talk about? So if you don't have an elite controlling the money, would it then be a democracy of the people controlling the money? So 55% could control the money, but what if you are in the other 45%? Or is there another way to do your idea of socialism? As I see it, socialism could work on a very limited basis where everyone in a smaller group agrees with the vision. A forced, coerced socialism is anti-free will - just a different form of tyranny for at least a minority of the population of a country.. Of course, I would be delighted to change my mind if you have a better idea.
That system that you describe is actually not really socialism. It's a bureaucratic economic/political system that is best termed, Statism. Soviet Russia and modern-day China have made people think that their version of "communism" is a true version of socialism, but it's actually way different. It's almost like comparing apples and oranges. They would have liked you to believe that it is close to socialism, but it is actually not even. China is probably one of the most capitalistic countries you can find. They have absolutely no regulation as to how much their workers can be paid and how they are to be treated. My next post will go into describing Socialism (I have to run an errand pretty soon).
(03-28-2015, 02:50 PM)ScottK Wrote: Further, as I said in my earlier post, there is very little capitalism going on in the world now - all you really have now is large corporations acting as predators against the little guys who have good ideas. And we also have a debt based monetary system and tax structure that completely favors large corporations, and a legal system that favors those with money, in other words, large corporations.
What we really need is honest money and an honest legal system. That will act as a poison to much of the elite and large corporations, who have been playing fast and loose with the rules for so long.
BTW, this guy really knows what is going on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVr1xIqsiDo
What you describe is actually true capitalism and its effects. I will check out that video when I come back.