03-26-2015, 01:31 AM
(03-26-2015, 12:27 AM)Lighthead Wrote:(03-25-2015, 10:38 AM)Monica Wrote: To knowingly do that, to have callous disregard for their agony, NOT because they have a digestive problem and are struggling with health issues, like you do (you who are an exception), but because they are simply too busy or too lazy to learn how to cook beans and rice, or because they 'like bacon' is just reprehensible, in my opinion.
This made me think of certain parts of the Bible that mention the selfishness of answering the 'god of the belly.' People here on Bring 4th may or may not believe in any part of the Bible. But that's not to say that there isn't any wisdom found in it.
Check it out:
Quote:Philippians 3:19
Their end is destruction, and their god is their belly, and their glory is really their shame, and they have their minds on earthly things.
Quote:Genesis 25:27-34
As the boys got bigger, Eʹsau became a skilled hunter, a man of the field, but Jacob was a blameless man, dwelling in tents. And Isaac loved Eʹsau because it meant game in his mouth, whereas Re·bekʹah loved Jacob. On one occasion Jacob was boiling some stew when Eʹsau returned from the field exhausted. So Eʹsau said to Jacob: “Quick, please, give me some of the red stew that you have there, for I am exhausted!” That is why his name was Eʹdom. To this Jacob said: “First sell me your right as firstborn!” And Eʹsau continued: “Here I am about to die! What use is a birthright to me?” And Jacob added: “Swear to me first!” So he swore to him and sold his right as firstborn to Jacob. Then Jacob gave Eʹsau bread and lentil stew, and he ate and drank, and he got up and went away. Thus Eʹsau despised the birthright.
The bible says that the desires of the flesh are contrary to the spirit.