(03-24-2015, 07:47 PM)Minyatur Wrote: Your wish for this world to be without these kind of experiences being denied is a reason for it to exist.
You are missing the point. I don't disagree with you about why such things exist. I also don't disagree about the perspective from the higher densities, the soul choosing experiences, how all things serve the One, etc. etc.
However, by choosing to focus only on those 'higher' aspects, CHOICE is neglected.
We have choice. We can choose whether to take a shower, whether to watch tv, or browse the internet, or post on this forum. We can choose what to wear in the morning...and what to eat.
Our ancestors didn't have that choice. Some people in poverty-stricken areas, or in 3rd world countries, or who live in the cold, remote areas of wilderness, also don't have that choice.
But I would venture to say that pretty much everyone here at B4, who has a computer, probably has some choice as to what they buy and eat.
We have the choice as to whether or not to rape and kill a human. If we were discussing that, how many people would say "Oh it doesn't matter...do as you will...the rape victim probably needed that experience"?
If someone started a thread about a project to help end human starvation, or end human sex trafficking, would other members then accuse them of being 'moralizing' or 'controlling'?
Now, taking it a step further, what if rape and murder of humans was socially acceptable, and most of the members here engaged in those behaviors on a daily basis?
I've made the case in post #1 that there really isn't much difference between a late-2D entity and a 3D entity. No one has refuted anything I said about that, in regards to Ra's statements about 2D consciousness.
And yet, people get all uptight if the torture and slaughter of higher 2D entities is compared to the rape and killing of a 3D entity.
Because it's socially acceptable to participate in the torture and slaughter of higher 2D entities.
NOT because it's ethical, because it isn't. Not for any other reason, really, except that most of the people here DO IT themselves.
That's the only difference.
Slavery and bigotry were once socially acceptable too.
So, it's not about whether I would prefer a peaceful planet. Projecting the blame onto me, implying that it is my non-acceptance of atrocities that keeps them in existence, continues to miss the point, which is this:
I am talking to the very people who are continuing to support these atrocities, and who have the power to change it.
NOT talking about what's going on in Africa or Iraq, that we aren't directly involved in, but about something we all do every single day: Eat.
Our choices, collectively, DO make an impact.
You, as an individual, might not save a particular cow, but collectively, the more of us who make a compassionate choice, will save many, many cows. Not only their physical bodies, but, as was discussed in earlier posts, we might even have a profound effect on their polarity.
Apparently, that just doesn't matter to most people here. This thread is starting to degenerate into more of the same defensiveness about eating animals that is found on all the other meat threads. This wasn't intended to be about eating meat, specifically, though that is a component of the topic. It was intended to be about the consciousness of 2D entities, and how we affect their evolution.
Saying that we have no responsibility at all, and that nothing matters, at all, ever, just doesn't cut it for me. That implies that we might as well go out and rape and murder humans too, by that logic...why not? They aren't much different from higher 2D entities, and they aren't even different at all in their capacity to feel pain, fear and grief. Yet when I ask that question, no one wants to say that it's ok to rape and kill humans, and some are offended at the comparison. Why?
Ra answers the call of 2D entities, while students of Ra continue to defend their habit of supporting an industry that tortures and slaughters those very same entities.
Does no one else see the absurdity of this?