(03-19-2015, 12:33 AM)Monica Wrote: Ra sees fit to answer the call of 2D entities. 2D entities begin their polarization. What direction is that cow or pig likely to polarize in?
What causes a child to become a sociopath? Lack of bonding, coupled with abuse. This is well established.
Billions upon billions of these young souls - these younger other-selves - are waking up to full self-awareness in a state of fear and pain...extreme abuse. Is this planet producing a huge harvest of sociopathic, STS entities? Newly harvested 3D entities...with a distinct bias towards STS?
By eating animals, not only is it inherently STS towards that particular entity, but it is also aiding in the polarizing of great numbers of young 3D STS entities.
What dark planet is being inhabited right now by all those tortured farm animals who are graduating to 3D through the intense catalyst they just experienced?
I offer these thoughts in the context of the Law of One. Again, this is NOT yet another debate about eating meat. I ask these questions in all sincerity: Have you given any thought as to the seriousness of this situation? Again, Ra sees fit to answer the call of 2D entities.
Are we working with Ra to answer their call? Or...are we creating a nightmare population of sociopaths?
Great thread and questions within the context of the Ra Material and the LOO. Really well laid out, Monica.
I must admit that your conclusions are logical. This seems so out of balance with what would naturally happen through densities, one would think. The whole universe of intelligent beings must all pay attention holding their breath when a 3D planet gets to this point, hoping the 3D population doesn't blow itself and the surrounding solar system up with nuclear or nano-technology, or cause some sort of planet of sociopathic early 3D inhabitants to spring up and possibly cause worse. According to Dolores Canon, that's why wanderers came here—to shift the consciousness after we created and used nuclear bombs.
I think the question: "Are we working with Ra to answer their call? Or...are we creating a nightmare population of sociopaths?," has to be qualified by whether or not the 3D entity, or person, is even aware of there being a choice. However, whether a person is aware of the choice or not doesn't change the consequences of sustaining a system of cruelty. In countries where genocide takes place, it creates a population of people who are wounded not only physically, but mentally and emotionally, whether or not the people in a neighboring country are even aware of it.
Regarding answering the call, as Dolores Canon talks about in her book, "The Three Waves of Volunteers," some wanderers came here to help. Just having the vibration of love here may be enough. But how does that work if the wanderer is also knowingly contributing to suffering, and really cruel suffering at that, by doing something that isn't even necessary?
From a physical perspective, anyone who buys factory-farmed meat is affecting supply and demand and thereby contributing to enabling the system to continue, no matter how small the person's consumption of the product—that is simply a fact.
When a 3D person becomes aware of and feels compassion, and becomes aware of the system of cruelty which exists in factory farming, then what?
As there is cruelty in both plant and animal factory farming, then, if a person cares about not causing harm, choices will have to be made... or not, if the person doesn't want to make a conscious choice.
Your suppositions based on Ra's comments are a good argument for choosing not to continue farming animals for meat. This is to say nothing of all the other reasons to eat a plant-based diet.