(03-19-2015, 01:38 PM)Minyatur Wrote: We live in a world where humans kill humans on a daily basis, so it surely will be harder to make people care about 2D.
True. But, curiously, I have observed that people in the general population seem to be more open to caring about them than the people here at B4, and I'm wondering if it's because of this 2D/3D thing. It seems to be very deeply ingrained in the minds of Law of One students that Ra has given the ok to enslave and kill animals as we wish, by categorizing animals in the same density as plants.
I am calling this into question, and I am providing quotes from Ra to back up my assertions. I contend that mind (apparently indicated by pain receptors and a nervous system) is a much more reasonable demarcation than the broad 2D classification, which, as I've just shown, has a very wide range of consciousness contained within it.
What I'm getting at here is:
1. I am questioning the status quo, which is the only demarcation that matters is the one of density; ie. 2D vs 3D. I am exploring what Ra said about the octave of consciousness in 2D and suggesting that this might be a more reasonable demarcation in regards to our participation in animal suffering, enslavement and slaughter.
2. Ra has stated that they answer the call of higher 2D entities. I am calling into question the common practice of supporting the cruelty to and killing of higher 2D entities, while Ra is answering their call. Is this helping Ra or working against Ra? If Ra considers them important enough to answer their call, then how do we justify controlling them, enslaving them, supporting cruelty to them, killing them, and eating them to satisfy our taste?
This has obvious implications in regards to the issue of eating meat, but the focus is how our choices impact the evolution of our younger other-selves...the very entities whom Ra is trying to assist by answering their call.