03-07-2015, 10:21 PM
(03-07-2015, 09:24 PM)Bring4th_Plenum Wrote:Thank you plenum(03-07-2015, 04:53 PM)bosphorus Wrote: for a certain time i've been wondering about the evolution and polarization. You know evolution is based on taking lessons either service to self or service to others. However i hear increasing polarity does also accelerate evolution.
From my understanding of what Ra conveyed, polarization has much to do with the ability to do work.
If we start with the 7 energy centres, we can see that they represent the 7 fundamental divisions of the 3d consciousness. Those 7 energy centres take the upward streaming light of the Creator that enters through the feet, and is then processed or passes through to the degree that it is able.
The red energy centre is the initial receptor of the Creator's light/consciousness. This energy centre is open or closed to various degrees, depending on our attitudes towards experience in general.
There is a compression and a turning of the light at the 3rd chakra (social relations) and the 5th chakra (communication and wisdom). This compression of the light magnifies it's ability to do work to an enormous degree. This energy is then funneled through the chakras sitting above (4th for heart, and 6th for indigo), that then gives the inner strength and resolve ('radiance') that is more characteristic of those energy centes.
Because of the vast importance in turning this light, the energy centres 1-3-5 are called the primary energy centres by Ra, and they are of prime consideration when considering harvestability of a 3d entity.
2-4-6 are the yin energy centres (or represent the more feminine aspects of consciousness).
In relation to your question about polarization, positive entities develop constructs (mental thought forms) which sit in the energy centers, and are accepting of the upward streaming light, and allow it to pass through. Blockages in the energy centres are associated with negative thought forms (negative constructs) which absorb portions of the Creator's light, and empower a personal or selfish or excluding desire or fantasy.
Unless one is 100% polarized to STO, every individual will have negative thought forms sitting in their energy centres. A lot of these thought forms will have be formed in childhood, as a misconceived response to a traumatic situation, when one felt unsafe or unloved, and the mind felt it needed to protect itself in some way to survive. The event passes, the body survives, but those thought forms will stay as legacy presences unless addressed.
(03-07-2015, 04:53 PM)bosphorus Wrote: My question is how polarization and being in lower densities can take you ahead of the ones WHO are in higher densities and taking the lessons of those higher ones?
in higher densities, the ratio of time/space awareness to space/time awareness is much greater. In 3d, the skew is entirely the other way; space/time experience is what dominates consciousness.
In space/time, more real work/change can be done. Time/space does not lend itself to making concrete changes, but is much more useful for the purposes of analysis and drawing upon larger data sets of information.
in terms of the use of 3d:
However, in third density the statue is forged in the fire. This is a type of intensity which is not the property of fourth, fifth, sixth, or seventh densities.
and in 4d:
The intensity of fourth density is that of the refining of the rough-hewn sculpture. This is, indeed, in its own way, quite intense causing the mind/body/spirit complex to move ever inward and onward in its quest for fuller expression.
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It's my understanding that the primary motive of Wanderers choosing to incarnate is for the purposes of service, as part of their STO nature. However, it's also my personal belief that the kind of enlightenment possible in 3d is more significant and accelerating than anything available in higher densities. That is because the contrast between the baseline experience of 3d and enlightenment is so much greater. In a 4d, 5d, or 6d positive space/environment, the level of awareness that would correspond to enlightenment would be a much smaller contrast to everything else. I'm sure it would still feel joyful and magnifique, but compared to the average, it's a less of a leap.
3d can also serve as a trap for higher density beings, as there are stories from mythology of higher angels getting caught up in the pleasures available in an incarnate body. Having the Veil, and a certain level of isolation from the rest of Creation allows pleasures to be magnified in consciousness to where it is all consuming. It's ecstacy. But it also leads to an addiction to that type of bodily/physical/sensation based pleasure. Sex addiction is a real thing!