(03-05-2015, 09:18 PM)andreazzi Wrote: I dont think its going to be only a time/space event, as it will evolve the entire planet consciousness/density, it surely is not restricted to time/space. Anyway, Ra does not say clearly when or how it is going to happen. In these two quotes, Ra says that it is going to happen in space/time and further he states that there will be a transition period of 100 to 700 years (after the harvest?). He refers to the planetary consciousness delaying the harvest but also says that the harvest will come as the tick of the clock. Really an unclear aspect of the material, what is your opinion, guys?
(03-05-2015, 09:53 PM)Parsons Wrote: The truth is I just don't know. I really think it is unclear from the material what exactly is supposed to happen.
It is interesting though rereading those quotes that Ra refers to the harvest as happening at a probability/possibility time/space nexus.
Quote:Nexus: the central and most important point or place.
Personally, I think "harvest" is a predominately time/space event.
And in my opinion, what Ra means by "probability/possibility time/space nexus" is that beginning at that approximate beginning point (around 2011) the time/space gateway opened to a higher density.
I'm trying to think of a good way to explain this, but basically, every cycle of 3rd density which lasts 25,000 years can be broken up into 7 cycles. I'm simply relaying my intuition here, so if this doesn't rez with you guys, feel free to drop it like a hot potato. Each one of these cycles is like a portion of the "3rd grade curriculum". The 25,000 year cycle is like the length of the school year for a 3rd density major cycle. You get to try the class 3 times, before getting shipped off to a new school, hence why the master 3rd density cycle is 75,000 years long.
Now, going back to the cycles, you have 7 of them, and in each one you are moving through the coursework that is the 3rd density sub densities, so every (roughly) 3500 years society (in general) is moving through a new subdensity of 3rd density. What does this mean? It simply means that these are the opportunities being presented--doesn't mean people are actually utilizing said opportunities). There are exceptions of course, and this is also tied to astrological influences but I don't have the astrological finesse to go into that correlation in any sort of rigorous detail. So, anyway, the first cycle is moving through survival 3rd density experiences, the next one is moving through personal 3rd density experiences, the next one the focus is predominately on societal development, and then compassion, and then universal, and then you reach the end of the cycle whereas Ra said, the gateway to intelligent infinity opens regardless of circumstance, on the striking of the hour. That's is the end of the violet ray cycle, which we are in now. That is the "gateway" cycle of 3rd density, otherwise known as "harvest". Or rather, harvest is at the end of the gateway cycle, which I'm guessing was around the 2011 marker Ra gave. The opportunities for stepping off this vibrational platform are many during this cycle, if said opportunities are utilized.
And of course, many souls are both ahead of the "Logos curriculum" and also many behind it. There are exceptions to almost every rule.
"Ra: Nevertheless, those who fall within this octave of intensifying light/love then experience a major cycle during which the opportunities are many for the discovery of the distortions which are inherent in each entity and, therefore, the lessening of these distortions."
Now it is true that in time/space movement through time can be more or less at will. You can move backwards and forwards. We would all do well to think of time/space as "mental space". Now the reason why there is a specific period of time for "harvest" even though it is a time/space event is because time periods are connected to a certain type of mental space or vibrational attunement. When you get on this merry go round of 3rd density time cycles, you are being tuned by the different opportunities being cranked out by the age you are in. So by the time the gateway age comes around, you are (hopefully) attuned to step off into the appropriate time/space. Mental spaces are connected to other mental spaces by similar mental spaces. That makes sense right? The end of violet ray time/space is the stepping off point to all spaces, which is why you walk the steps of light there.
So just as different physical spaces connect to other physical spaces, and are the stepping off points to other physical spaces (like an aiport, or a sea port for example), there are places in time that are connected to other spaces. Mental spaces that stepping off nexi to other mental spaces.
Another thing to keep in mind is that 3rd density doesn't disappear after harvest. That vibrational layer simply isn't inhabited for a good long while (becomes deactivated or lies dormant), as the new 4th densities have to learn to shield their vibrational layer from the 3rd density children that will be in the veiled classroom. Don't want to disrupt their learning experience you see. And once that discipline is achieved, 3rd density will cycle again on that sphere.
The physical matter of each density is a reflection of the indwelling consciousness, thus, even though the physical matter of all higher densities is still very much physical, it takes on more subtle expressions. Basically its a continuum between <matter-----------&----------energy>. And as you move on to higher forms of a physicality, you take on more of an energy body, hence the whole electrical incarnation bit. And also why Ra said that if they had come among the egyptians without taking on 3rd density replica bodies, they would have been perceived only as light. Their 6th density physical manifestation is literally light.
Anyway, some interesting ideas to consider...